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Friday, July 15, 2005


Man with trousers around ankles cannot pursue woman in mini-skirt GOING NATIVE One of the most appealing things for me about living in Spain is the Spanish attitude to health and safety, and rules and regulations in general. We Britons have developed - or rather have had instilled in us - a slavish adherence to rules, however absurd they may be. If we don’t obey implicitly all those sensible rules laid down for us by Nanny there’ll be tears before bedtime, you just wait and see. But the Spanish... Sign in to see full entry.


OLD MEN WEEP Old men weep, in the silence and the darkness of the night: deep inside, where no-one sees. They do not weep for what is to come: for what can come, that has not been, in a long, eventful life? Old men weep for the wet sponge of Age, which wiping clean the slate of Memory, makes wraiths of old friends; old loves; old comrades long since gone to Death’s dark night. Old men mourn for harsh words spoken, which may never be unsaid; for love withheld and affection spurned; for slights... Sign in to see full entry.

with apologies ot Omar Khayyam

Dreaming when Dawn's left hand was in the sky, I heard Brian's voice within the blogit cry, " Awake! My little ones, and fill your blog, before blogit's liquor in its cup be dry!" And those who stood without cried. " Open then the blogit door! " You know how little how little while we have to blog; and once departed, may blog no more!" Sign in to see full entry.


As y'all can see, I'm back. My ISP's been playing up a bit. Should never have changed from a quill pen, and a guttering candle in my draughty attic. Did you miss me terribly, terribly much! Go on, say you did! And read my blog!!! hasta luego, blogniki Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Thought for the day … Boy with no willy cannot write name in snow. The Muslim Myth In an obviously cynical attempt to solicit the votes of American Muslims, Madeleine Albright, the former American Secretary of State, stated that Muslims resent Christians for the Crusades; and that Christians should apologise for them. Really Ms Albright? I wonder what your sources are that prompt you to make such a fatuous remark: they certainly can’t derive from any of the reasoned and balanced history books,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Thought for the day... Woman with one leg and blunt clippers cannot clip claws of running dog. A Parallel Universe I had just applied the blazing tumbler to Paco’s bare back, when Fraquito, the transvestite goat-herd, came to invite us to coffee at the hogar de jubilados. Quite a nice young fellow, Fraquito; the sort that one would be happy to invite to tea and seed cake with one’s mother. Although one doubts that she would approve of his dress sense. The knee-length, spike heeled boots with... Sign in to see full entry.


ENDLESS NIGHT All was done, the last word said, and I stood in my window, and I watched you go. You paused at the corner, in a wash of light from a street lamp. Your hair was gold, and your coat a red flame in the night. You looked up once; your face a pale blur, through rain streaked glass. It seemed to me that your eyes met mine, in a final glance. I clung to the moment, Winter filling my soul. You turned then and you walked away. I felt my heart begin to die within me, as I began my journey... Sign in to see full entry.


SILENT WORSHIP This is a reworking in prose form of the first poem I ever wrote, called “ Endless Night” It was, coincidentally, the first of my poems to be published. She had lived in his apartment building for seven months and three days. He knew this to be so, for he had kept a tally of her days: there in a chamber in his mind. He visited this chamber often, so that he might view her days, as in some fabulous museum of the soul. Days there were that sparkled like jewels, lit from within by... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 11, 2005

part 1 Mr Ben

MR BEN Part one “ You little perishers!” Hearing the loud shattering of glass Ben strode out of the potting shed. “ How many times have I told you not to play around here?” He strode out into the hot sunlight, his face red with anger, muttering “ Damned kids!” and he stood with his hands raised, staring at the boy, who cowered back against the espaliered pear tree whose branches spread along the wall of mellow brick. They stood staring at each other for long moments, the boy’s face deathly pale,... Sign in to see full entry.


Good morning blogniks! It's 9.25 a.m. on a beautiful Spanish morning: the noise of the birds nesting in an almond tree close to our house deafening; the pretty goats pouring down the cliff at boundary of our land, and Salvador, our neighbour loping along like a mountain goat. We went to a party Saturday night, and on the way saw a small herd of ibex grazing in a field below a cliff. Wow! Pretty rare to see 'em down from the mountains. Our dogs often bark in the night, hearing something prowling... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

6 part love story

Hi, blogniks, Starting from tomorrow, I'm going to post a part of " Mr Ben" every Monday for the next six weeks. Hope ya'll gonna like it! hasta luego Sign in to see full entry.


I don't have a TV, and only read the papers online now and again, so inevitably I get a bit out of touch. Hence it is that I've only just learned that a poem ( fragment thereof?) by Sappho has just been unearthed. I wrote this poem in 1998, and -like Sappho's poem - it's just been unearthed from the dank and gloomy lowest sub-stratum of my computer. Man, it's seriously scary down there! I wondered if I might bump into the Minotaur down there; or get turned into a nice piece of Carara marble by... Sign in to see full entry.


Good morning/afternoon/evening/middle of the nite/ whatever/ people Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 9, 2005


I wish someone had told me that blogging presents a major health problem: somewhat on a par with smoking, alcoholism, gambling, email and text message addictin, and sitting outside a Spanish bar leering at all those pretty girl going by. Or, what's more to the point right now, blogging. Addiction to blogging - or, to give it its correct medical term, Acute Blogging Deprivation Syndrome - manifests itself in the patient tossing and turning for hours, then some time before dawn, sneaks out to see... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 8, 2005


Blushing deeply, I ask, can any of you experienced blogniks answer a few questions for me? Pretty please? 'cos I'm new to this, see? What I'd like to know is:- 1. I've made several comments to other people, which show up on my blog: am I sending comments to myself, or is what I see a copy? 2. You can obviously read my posts ( Is this what they're called?) but I don't see mine in those nice bold blue letters that everyone else seems to have. Is this anti-English racism? ha ha. 3. Am I right in... Sign in to see full entry.

have a nice day people

Awake! For Morning in the bowl of Night, has flung the Stone that puts the stars to flight! And lo! the Hunter of the East has caught the Sultan's turret in a noose of light. Omar Khayyam What a way to start the day, eh? Beats decaf any time. Kick start your day with a poem. But of course for most of you folks out there it isn't morning at all. But it's the thought that counts, isn't it? As I sit at my computer in this glorious Spanish morning, I can see our neighbour's goats streaming down the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

A proposition

As the world seems to have gone mad with hatred and violence, hands up anyone out there who'd like to read a 6 part love story set in England during WW1. Say, an episode a week? It ain't only entertaining, but it's free!!! Sign in to see full entry.

London bombings and other things

What a grisly irony! Here I was a few hours ago, writing about the need to propagate love and respect, rather than racial hatred and contempt; the answer? Bombs in London. I will be interesting, and no doubt highly depressing to see the reactions of that power-freak Tony Blair and his henchmen, who'll undoubtedly bite away yet another chunk of what remains of the civil liberties of the British. A transatlantic replay of your American Patriot Act, post 9/11. A further irony is this: the Spanish... Sign in to see full entry.

My smooth cheeks are stained with a blush; about something I've had problems with before. See, all you people out there, ariel isn't exclusively a female name. If you want to be pedantic, it means " lion" or " lion of God" Then there was that slightly stunted creature of Shakespeare's; Sylvia Plath's nom de plume etc. Yep, I am an old dude. I'm also sick to my stomach, 'cos Ive just been reading the most rabid piece/s of anti-American hatred that I've ever seen in a long life. I'm disgusted,... Sign in to see full entry.

Hi all you nice people out there in Blogland. I'm the new kid on the blog, altho' I guess 74's a bit long in the tooth for a kid. I just joined last night. Well, the middle of the day to you revolted ex-colonists across the Atlantic. only kiddin' Navigating around this here bloggin' machine's a mite complicated for me: still I expect I'll get used to it in time. Anyway, it's great to read your work, and have mine read also of course. Apropos of which, lovelyladymonk, thank you for you nice... Sign in to see full entry.

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