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Monday, August 1, 2005

The Beckoning

Mark came of a long line of compulsive photographers, and he had inherited a large, and extremely valuable collection of photographs; many of which dated back to the 1860s. They held images from the American Civil War; the Boer War; the first and second world wars. The Korean War, besides numerous other minor colonial conflicts. There were also photos of the great Durbars in Delhi, at the heyday of the Raj; others taken in Burma, Malaya and Imperial China; in Africa and the Middle East; all... Sign in to see full entry.

apologies to Omar Khayyam

" The moving blogger writes, and having blogged, moves on, and all thy piety and wit cannot lure it back to alter half a blog, nor all thy blogs wash out a word of it" Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

MR BEN Part 4

In part 3 of Mr Ben, Lizzie confessed to having stolen a locket that had great sentimental value to Ben, but she was so upset and repentant that Ben has forgiven her. The cottage had been uninhabited for years, and it still had a dilapidated appearance, but Ben noticed that some attempt had been made to cut back the tangle of weeds in the front garden, there were pretty chintz curtains in the two small windows, and a freshly planted honeysuckle by the door. He rapped on the door, and stood... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


The Andalucian moon seemed to warm the air of the spring night, as they walked, in singles and couples and strung out groups: amoeba like as they moved from moonglow to tenebrous shadow to the beehive hum of talk, and the flood of mellow light from the house. The old hands strode along the dusty track in hiking boots and “ sensible ” shoes, while those newly come to this magic place teetered perilously along the deep ruts in high heels and fragile town shoes. There was much hugging and kissing... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 29, 2005


A Turbulent Relationship Britain has always had a love-hate relationship with America, and for as long as I can recall ( and my memories go back to the later 1930s )there has been a thread of anti-Americanism in the British; waxing and waning as circumstances change. While as individuals they may not be aware of it on a conscious level, national characters are moulded on a subconscious level by their histories; and historical events shape national perceptions of other peoples. Put simply –... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

a new folklore

I was a feminist ( yes, a man can be a feminist!) long before the term was invented. Amy Johnson and Amelia Erhardt enjoyed as honoured a place in the pantheon of my boyhood heroes and heroines as the Wright brothers or Charles Lindbergh. And as for Lady Hester Stanhope, who wandered alone throughout Turkish-ruled Arabia in the 18 th century! What a role model for any boy, let alone a girl! But what has happened to female attitudes towards men? Negative perceptions of males have become so deeply... Sign in to see full entry.

One has finally got to grips with the appalling goings-on in the highly respectable Mon Blogue library, and is now sufficiently composed to attempt to impart to our readers the true horror of it. But before one attempts this task, one must have a large glass of some fortifying liquor. As you were informed previously, one had reluctantly agreed to the installation in the Mon Blogue library of a number of these new-fangled communication devices: computers. Initially, they proved of great value in... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 25, 2005


After five days ot total paranoia, 'cos my ISP has been down. Again!! I'm back. So, it's normal business at Mon Blogue, where there have been great goings on since I posted last... when? no se.Just seems like 100 years ago. Part 3 of Mr Ben, and another story that I hope will make you think with this post. Hope you like it. hasta luego. Mr Ben Part 3 Mr Ben is set in Kent, England, in 1916. Ben has befriended, and given some paid work to two ragged London urchins, Lizzie and Billy, who have... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Yep, I bet it's true. I reckon if some blogger had a hotline to God, the Devil, or maybe Dubya, his brother, and this dude got a hot tip that this time it was true!!! Yep, the world's definitely going to end at... oh, say, 11.15 GMT on July 23rd. What does he do? He posts it on blogit. The result? Zilch. I mean, you can picture the scenario, can't you? Like this... " Hey, guys, I just heard the world's gonna end tomorrow!" " Yes, Ginnie, it was a lovely story..." " Aw shucks, Horus, you're too... Sign in to see full entry.

My wife and I live in Spain, and our daughter works for a Spanish estate agent; which affords an enthralling insight into the surrealistic world of Spanish property inheritance customs. Typically, on padre Isidro ’s demise, Maria shall inherit the first floor back bedroom; Juan the other bedroom; the ground floor to be divided between Isabel and Pedro. Young Carmen shall have the goat shed and that piece of land behind it. She can grow lots of good stuff there to feed her kids: if and when she... Sign in to see full entry.


A ‘ HEALTHY DIET ’ In recent decades, dietary science seems to have degenerated into an endless quest for ever more substances in the human diet which can be said to cause some disease or other. There is now hardly any food which is ‘safe ’ to eat, and fats and sugar are looked upon by the credulous as highly toxic substances: roughly on a par with dioxin, or plutonium. And hardly a week passes that something that was formerly held to be good for you is now found to be bad for you – and vice... Sign in to see full entry.


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Ooppss!! That should have been in Comment. silly me! LOL Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


FIRST LOVE My first self died in early youth: not cut down in War's mad clamour, nor yet blown away like an autumn leaf by fell disease. But rather, perishing in the flames of First Love's furnace, and a new being awakening from the ashes of my first self. First Love was a raging sea, engulfing the shore of my being. First Love was an army, besieging the citadel of my youthful heart. Stone by stone she slighted the keep of my boyhood's heart. Hers was the hand which slew me: the hand that raised... Sign in to see full entry.


Thought for the day. never bite the hand that's...dirty My 78 year old sister Theresa, and my niece from Canada are staying with us for a week, and, among other things today, we visited the local shopping mall to pick up a few trifling household necessities. I suppose one should have been warned by that certain glint in dear Theresa’s eye, but one was engrossed in a study of the music CDs at the time, and did not see exactly what she was up to. We had to make a somewhat precipitate exit, because... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Thought for the day etc

thought for the day... if you sit on the river bank for long enough the bodies of all your enemies will float by. If you're reading this, Meringue, I haven't forgottten my promise. Honest. How To Behave In My Blog. When one opens one’s stately home to the public, one is entitled to expect a reasonable standard of behaviour from visitors. Similarly, one is entitled to expect seemly conduct from visitors to one’s blog, or Mon Blogue, as I prefer to call it. ( Yes, I am aware that the term Mon... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Mr Ben

Mr Ben Part two Mr Ben is set in Kent in 1916. Ben has befriended two ragged London urchins, Lizzie and Billy, who have obviously been beaten and ill-treated. At the end of part 1, Billy tells Ben that their mother is in prison, and they have been sent to stay with their Aunt Emily who has recently moved to the village. Billy said softly “ Lizzie mean prison.” Ben said “ So that’s why you’re staying with your Aunt Emily, is it?” “ Yeah, we gotta stay wiv ‘er until Ma gets out. Which’ll be a long... Sign in to see full entry.

thought for the day & Night in the City

thought for the day... woman with no bra cannot ride pogo stick. NIGHT IN THE CITY I muse in my window, gazing out over city sprawl stretching away to earth’s end and maybe – who knows? – beyond. Maybe it only ends at God’s feet. No stars in the city night: maybe they all went out and nobody noticed. Maybe they’ve gone for coffee and a Danish at Starbucks. Far away the vast crow black backdrop of office blocks severs the neon-stained sky like the frontier wall of some unknown land. They’re a... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


CHILDREN Children, in their microcosmic world: a magic bourne denied to adults: playing on a winter’s day, making an Arctic in a patch of snow. Children splashing in the water: sailing Armadas in a puddle. Every puddle a boundless ocean, with magic lands set all around. Children quick to laugh, and equally quick to cry: quick to hug and quick to strike: tiny adults in the making. Fiends incarnate when awake: angels from Heaven when asleep. Lambent eyes now firmly closed: peach-like skin o’erlaid... Sign in to see full entry.


Thought for the day... man with no shoes must feel sorry for man with no feet. THE ANNUAL BLOGIT BALL Lately in the blogit loft, where oft I take my pleasure, Meringue and Ariel sat together, watching the dancers on the floor, while Sassyass and Kingmi trod a lively measure. Archiew skirled on the pipes, While Aamie strummed on the lyre, and with Tweeter65 banging away on the drum, the noise was really quite dire. Ariala, and Lilane and Curls, those magnificent blogging dames. manned the bar... Sign in to see full entry.

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