Sunday, December 30, 2007
A workable solution to the cross-border drug trafficking problem
On Hanity’s America on Sunday, December 30, 2007, the problem of cross border drug smuggling was discussed, especially in its relationship to so-called black tar heroin. The numbers are staggering, and the effect on our children is beyond measure. Despite this, we seem virtually paralyzed in our ability to do anything about the situation. We treat these drug smugglers as if they were American citizens with the same rights as you and I have, and therein lies the problem. We track them, identify...
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Monday, October 8, 2007
A real solution to the illegal alien problem
When you're up to your neck in alligators, you really don't have time to drain the swamp. Here is a summary of the illegal alien situation in a nutshell: Currently, between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens live somewhere in the United States. Our borders are virtually open to anyone who wishes to cross, and a million or more do so each year. How this impacts life in America is not the subject of this essay. How to solve the problem is. Americans appear divided into two camps on this matter. One...
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My Creed
This creed did not originate with me, but it has guided me for nearly all my life – certainly for the past 50 years: The Honorable Dean Alfange was an American statesman born December 2, 1899, in Constantinople (now Istanbul). He served in the U.S. Army during World War I and attended Hamilton College, graduating in the class of ’22. Hamilton offers the “Dean Alfange Essay Prizes” established by Dean Alfange and awarded to the students who write the best and second-best essays on a feature or an...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Every little bit helps.
You probably are aware of how many websites now use distorted letters that the user must type in order to gain access. These distorted letters are virtually impossible for a bot to read, and so spammers are thwarted in their efforts to gain entry to sites where they can cause malicious damage, steel email addresses, etc. Although the process is irritating, most of us accept it as part of doing business on the Internet. Carnegie Mellon (CM) devised this test, known as a CAPTCHA (Completely...
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Legal Briefs and Speedos
The New York Times reports today: "A New Threat at Guantánamo: Smuggled Speedos and Briefs." The article goes on to report that attorney Clive Stafford Smith, who lives in England, received a letter from a commander at Guantánamo advising him that authorities were investigating “contraband being surreptitiously being brought into the camp” by Smith and Zachary Katznelson, another lawyer at Smith’s nonprofit organization in Britain. The contraband, apparently, is Speedo swimsuits and Under Armour...
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Big Brother is Watching You...and that ain't all bad!
Sometimes, Big Brother just holds your hand as you cross the street. In 1949 George Orwell published 1984, a book that has come to represent the essence of a draconian, bureaucratic socialist police state in the person of “Big Brother.” As we have ridden a technology wave into the twenty-first century, a large part of our private lives – some even say our individual freedoms – has been subsumed into an ever-growing set of databases in computers and severs the world over. Since 9-11 we have...
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Monday, September 3, 2007
Whites are racists...aren't they?
I received the following piece by email today. I find that I simultaneously agree with its sentiment, and yet am a bit repulsed by it. I am curious about what you think. Is the writer correct? Do we live in a one-sided society where only non-Whites can express their pride of ethnic heritage, or is the writer missing a subtle essence that somehow makes things-as-they-are proper? Someone Finally Said It (And it's long over-due.) Proud To Be White There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,...
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
I claim this land...
I am the editor of the Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles News, a monthly publication of the Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles - founded in 1912. This month I featured an article about the August 2 exploit of a club member from Russia, Anatoly Sagalevitch, who piloted a mini-submarine under the ice at the Geographic North Pole, to plant a Russian Federation flag on the bottom, 2.5 miles deep. Here is an extract from the magazine, with the complete article including accompanying photos. On the...
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A year at the Geographic South Pole
Spend a year at the South Pole with Dr. Robert G. Williscroft. View nine individual shows that take you from Los Angeles to New Zealand to Antarctica to the Pole, and back, including a major fire that nearly wiped out the station.
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A simple solution to the Indiana prison riot.
This one is a no-brainer. Station sharp shooters on all accessible high locations. Using loud speakers or bull horns, order the general prison population to lie down on the ground or floor where they are, and that in one minute you will begin shooting any prisoners still standing. In thirty seconds repeat the announcement, while spotters try to identify the ring leaders of the riot. At the end of the minute, make one more announcement, and then commence firing, trying to pick off the ring...
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