Monday, February 13, 2006
A Wild Hair
For the first time in several years, I wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day for my kids. So I went out at the last minute and bought cards, candy, Hot Wheels, and gift bags. It was very strange. I have had no desire at all to celebrate V-day since two years before my divorce -- but this year, it...
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Worked Hard Yesterday ... Goofing off Today
Well, sort of. I did work really hard yesterday. Not only did I update all but one of my active blogs, I wrote and posted six articles for a website that I get paid to write for. Each article was between 500 and 1000 words, so that's a lot of writing! In between articles, I cleaned the kitchen did...
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Feeding the Birds
With all the snow and ice we've got on the ground now, the birds are going to find it tricky to find enough food, even if the snow melts off fairly quickly. So the kids and I filled the feeders this morning while we waited for their dad to come pick them up. We actually have a rather elaborate...
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Wow, did we get some snow today! I left work early to pick up the kids and have a half-day with them, and we went out shopping. While we were at lunch, the pouring rain turned into pouring snow. I haven't seen this much snow since I lived in Chicago! The kids are ecstatic. My sons have built a...
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Living From TGIF to OGIM
My title is, honestly, not original. Dave Ramsey says frequently on his radio program that way too many people live from "Thank God it's Friday" to "Oh God it's Monday." Of course, he's talking about it in reference to his program for financial security and independence. (And it's a great program......
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Looking at a New Homeschool Curriculum
I'm investigating the Robinson Curriculum, a comprehensive K-12 program that claims it will give your kids a better education than you have. We'll see. What I've read so far sounds excellent. I'm also working hard on the house. We're making progress. I think. The kitchen is clean again, and the...
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Maybe a Quiet Day
Church this morning, of course, and then home for lunch. But after lunch we are going to my mom's for cake and ice cream to celebrate my younger brother's birthday. I'll have to leave for handbell practise from there, but it means a no-work afternoon of rest and fun with my family. What could be...
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Busy Busy Weekend
This weekend, my brother and his friend-girl (as opposed to girlfriend, which she isn't), are going to take the boys to her house to play basketball with their friends there. So, once the basketball games are over this morning, I have all Saturday afternoon to work in the house. I have a long list...
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Busy and Tired ... Perennial Conditions
I feel like a broken record. This must be the boring-est blog on the planet. "I'm tired." "I'm sick." "I'm still sick." I'm even tireder." Gah! Surely it doesn't have to be this way. I've got to figure out how to get us out of all this stuff so that we can just relax and be a family at home. I'm fed...
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Make It Go Away!
After the wreck last July, I suffered from horrendous migraines, so my doctor put me on a medication called Topamax, which is an antiepileptic at high doses and an anti-migraine at low doses. You work your way up the dosage from 25 mg to 100 mg. I started last August, and was taking 100 mg by...
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