Waffle and Writings!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A deep breath and SIGH...

Very tired which is why I haven't posted. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The WCC and a tiring day overall.

Well a very interesting day which meant a steep learning curve for me and a lesson in never, ever trust solicitors or believe that they are acting in your interests. The hearing was at 10 am and the matter had to be discontinued and I will have to refile my application and submit all documents that should have been filed with the submission or application that was presented in June this year. I have sought legal advice and will be going to a QC down here who has had extensive experience with... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sweet The Perfume- a poem of sorts

Sweet the Perfume from blossoms crushed underfoot ripped by foreign doctrines but not destroyed The secretive scent lingers on Long after visions of flowering fields fade. The essence of souls linked to an Eternal source beyond physical worlds is indestructible. We are here to follow pathways Already mapped out by the master topographer Yet there are choices That define our growth We alone make. C. Ilana Leeds Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday Night and ALL is NOT well.

I wish I could say that the world is a wonderful place and that we all loved one another. That would be good but it would be dishonest, because it is not true and as much as I would like it to be true one day, the human race is unfortunately a long way off from that state of perfect and sublime peace and fellowship. My son is watching the Bee movie, a good movie with some interesting sub text and I have to finish Portraits in Sepia - an Isobel Allende novel. It is an interesting novel but I find... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Today I am home with an abcessed tooth.

I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but darn it, I am. My whole face hurts and I am finding it difficult to be coherent. That's why I am at home where I belong trying to rest and recuperate. I have a court case on Wednesday to go to and represent myself. I still haven't had a chance to go to the Workcover hearings down here. This tooth has put a spanner in the works a bit. Never mind, everything is from G-d and everything is for a reason. I think I need to start my own school. All I need is... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What do YOU DO???

Today I taught at a school that I really do not want to go to teach there. It is sad but there are so many cracks in this place that it is a wonder it is still operating. I taught this bunch of nice Indian kids in their early to mid twenties that have been given an essay to write on Global Warming with no preteaching of language items or issues awareness. Their teacher handed them some books and gave them a question (badly worded - I might add - which makes it even harder for the students to... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Friendship Rainbow

They come to you Soft and subtle Creatures of light and darkness Their faces fixed in the brightness of the rainbow You listen to them, take their advice but end up hurting, with those you hold dear. So now you follow no counsel but that of your own mind. For that you can belong those mistakes are yours still, beware the shapechangers they are everywhere and of many colours and shapes. They will try your mind play games and take you on journeys That are not yours. they will pretend you are... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A busy Week

Monday - talked with the lawyer. She is business like. Good. She is confident...that is excellent. I do not need someone telling me how difficult the Department of NSW Education can be and are to deal with and blah blah. They had better learn to treat staff with more respect. Hopefully things will get moving here now. Tuesday - I took Nir to the RCH to the allergy clinic. Three hours and a bit waiting and hanging around to be not given a conclusive answer. It was also his birthday on the 4th,... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

An expensive but fruitful morning!

This morning I took Nir to soccer and afterwards we went down to see a nautropath whom I had seen once before but I have not seen for ages because I could not afford it. He gave me a free consultation at the time because it was part of my self rehabilitation. Anyway I saw him for Nir. He agrees with me that Nir doesn't have an IQ of 47. He also stated as I believe that Nir would have to be an idiot and incapable of participating in normal schooling to have such an IQ. I think as does this man... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Still sick from the stress of these lawyers and the rest of it.

I am off to the doctor today. Still sick with this cough. My voice is still harsh and it is very hard to talk. It actually hurts to talk. Sign in to see full entry.

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