Waffle and Writings! for Saturday, February 7, 2009

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yesterday was 47C in some parts of Victoria

This is one story of many in the bushfire zone in Victoria. It is horrrific what some people are going through. To understand the toll taken on people and their lives and how much manpower is out there fighting a hopless battle against these fires. When you have a look at the CFA's site and see how many urgent threats they have to deal with, it is mind boggling. http://player.video.news.com.au/heraldsun/#O8qYJuF66ZqaothzQezuEx0Q0jeeEpTU Thoughts and prayers are with these people and the... Sign in to see full entry.

Julia Gillard and the ALP Stimulus Package - for the Aussies

On ‘Insiders’, the copper headed cobra, Julia Gillard, rears her head to hiss harmlessly at the Opposition again. It is always interesting to watch politicians on TV, mouthing platitudes and mechanically trotting out the same tired unworkable policies in new second hand clothing, with unerring efficiency. What irritates me most, is her robotic presentation. Her voice lacks passion and is unfaltering monotonous. When questioned as to why the ‘stimulus package’ has so little for people who are... Sign in to see full entry.

What are your views on this? I find it strange to say the least...

This lady has had 14 children through IVF procedures. She already had 6 children when she underwent an IVF procedure to have 8 of her own embryos implanted. She is not married. I do not want to be judgemental but I am concerned as to the hardest part of child rearing and how she will manage on her own to raise these kids. Does being a lonely single child give her the right to bring 14 lives into the world and how is she going to raise them? Let's hope she is some sort of heiress; and even if she... Sign in to see full entry.

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