Divorce Therapy: He Helped me Through my Divorce, but I Dumped him

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

He Helped me Through my Divorce, but I Dumped him

Continuation of episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (links will open in a new window). George is a guy I met over six years ago before I left South America. I was about to move to USA so we just flirted. We both knew it would be a stupid idea to start anything right before I was about to leave. That didn't stop us, though, from sharing a kiss the night before my flight. I was at a online internet cafe with my best friend setting up an email account for her so we could stay in touch cheaply. He popped... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: What's my Worse Issue? You Decide - New Entries - Next: Long Distance Relationships Suck!!!

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