The Ciel Show for Monday, August 27, 2012

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Monday, August 27, 2012

My insolent dog

PatB posted a great poem the other day, and there is a line in it about an insolent dog... Today, while one of the housemates was playing a videogame on the tv, relaxed in the recliner chair with his feet up on the footrest, Davy approached... slowly, relentlessly, this dog, the size fo a lab, with the brain of a border collie, approached right up between the guy's legs, slid up onto the guy's lap, and basically just got comfortable. He does this. He seems to think if he is slow enough and keeps... Sign in to see full entry.

I can't stand it.

Inhaling deeply, here... breathing in the Blogit atmosphere... the air of home! I can't stand being away for another three days, just to restart neatly on the 1st. So much to say, to respond to in the world's going's on... So much to read, to catch up with my friends here--most of you know who you are! Quick news summary of some notable events here... My NZ daughter is back in the States, just landed a job directing a rehoming program for the dogs at the Humane Society, bought a lovely... Sign in to see full entry.

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