skye01 A Caregivers Thoughts

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Bad day at Black Rock

No more to say. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dogs and Cats Sleeping Together

Peace has finally been made with Daisy cat and Rosie, at least for this Kodak moment I got up to get a glass of water and this is what I found when I got back. May miracles never cease. It was Daisy cat who laid down on Rosie's head. I scraped the van for 180.00 dollars yesterday and that was the best offer. So I am scanning the internet for cars and prices. I'm not in a hurry so I am putting out positive thoughts that the best car I need will come to me. So far, I've found an Infiniti I30 for... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I just lost a whole Blog GRRRRRRRR.

See you tomorrow and will read you tomorrow. Have a migraine that's finally waning. Time for some self hypnosis. Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, The Van has Died

The mechanic at the auto repair shop I had the van towed to called and said something was wrong with the motor and a new engine would cost 2-3 thousand dollars to replace and that is more than the van is worth. So I told him that to scrap it and I would be by to clean it out when the snow melted. So I spent yesterday looking on line for a pre-owned care. As long as it is cold and snowing I wouldn't be driving anyway so I'm not in a rush. I'm just going to put out positive energy that the right... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Price of being a Woman

After reading Ariala's blog, I have to agree menopause is the pits some days. The hot flashes are the worst. However, PMS and endometriosis are much worse. Having been plagued with severe PMS and endometriosis through my teens and all my twenties, a hysterectomy at 31 was a relief and the best thing I ever did. I woke up in recovery saying thank goodness that pain is gone. Labor was not as bad as the menstral cramps I used to have. Because I had a polycystic left ovary(a precancerous condition),... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Divine Intervention

Well, I finally got started on my trip mid-afternoon after several phone calls to check on Asheville's weather. My weather bug on my computer kept saying it was going to snow there. Also Joe has been sick the last several days and my bring Rosie just dawned on him today that Suz's dog Kya had attacked the last dog brought over by one of his friends. So I called Blake and he said Rosie could come visit with Buster for the week end. I was still procrastinating about leaving but finally packed and... Sign in to see full entry.

My First Trip by Myself

This afternoon will be my first trip by myself in a couple of years. I an excited and can't sleep so it's 4:30am and I'm still awake. I was almost asleep when Rosie woke up and had to potty and run around the house a couple of times. I finally got her calmed down by rubbing her front legs. It always puts her to sleep. I'm hoping the mountain will be clear by the afternoon. I really miss Richard when it comes to winter driving. He could drive in any kind of weather and I never had a worry. We... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An Invitation

I've been invited to help as a professional Healing Touch practitioner to assist with a Level I class this weekend. I'm looking forward to it if I can get across the mountain. It is snowing again and is 3 degrees in the mountains so I don't know how Sams Gap will be to cross.I'm excited because I'll get 2 days of Healing Touch for me free. I'm going to stay with Joe and I'm taking Rosie with me so she can meet Lex and Lois, Joe's dachshunds. She is getting used to the leash and I've found she is... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dog Show and Tears

I watched the Eukanuba Dog Show yesterday. Richard loved to watch the Dog Shows and he could tell me about most of the breeds. I guess I should have watched something else but it made me feel so close to him while also being a blatant reminder that he is gone. The tears flowed all afternoon. Then today Blake called me to help with Mom's clothes and coats that had been stored in the back bedroom. It was a walk down memory lane seeing all her coats and outfits she had made. I remembered when she... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Electricity in Half of the House

How does electricity go out in only half the house and it is not a circuit breakers? I don't understand it but it happened. At 5am yesterday I was woke up with a sudden loud burst of snow on the TV. I figured it was just the satellite so I get up to reset it and notice the ceiling lights would not come on and the electrical outlet for the box and for the refrigerator. I figured that the circuit breaker had been tripped but since I still had my alarm system on and working and it was dark and no... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed in Again

I am snowed in again. We got about 8 inches of snow between Friday and Sunday and we are supposed to get sleet and freezing rain tonight. Sorry I haven't been on. I got the Crud with earaches and sore throat. I went to the doctor Friday and got antibiotics. I have just been resting and working on a class on Surviving Pain. I offered my services to my doctor to work part time on a program I had found on the web called "". It is a program that allows patients to log on and... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rosie Gets Carsick

I took Rosie for a ride to Erwin today to finish all the funeral stuff, finally. Rosie got car sick when I took her to the vet last Monday and I was hoping it was just stress of having to go back to the vet and her recent surgery. However, she threw up again today on our little trip. Maybe it was stress again and the fear of being taken to the vet again. I guess I will take her out for rides every couple of days so she can get used to it. Rosie will not walk if she is put on a leash. I tried... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Helping Day

It is nice to feel needed. Usually the kids only ask for my help with money, so we do money exchanges from time to time. I'm a short term loan agency. Today, though, Brooke needed me to help her with my grand dogs. Spunkie and Midnight have had a cold for the past couple of day. Today Brooke called and got an appointment with the vet and she needed my help with the dogs. I met her at the vet's and herded Spunkie while she took Midnight. They are Boston Terriers and get really excited. Midnight... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rosie and the Paranormal

Rosie is super sensitive to the paranormal. Every time the commercial for "Living with the Dead" comes on she goes wild barking at the TV. Today I was flipping through the channels and "The Paranormal" was on A&E. Rosie was playing quietly in the floor and when I changed to the Paranormal she jumped up and turned in midair and started barking and stopped as soon as I changed the channel. I changed the channel again and she started barking again. I guess I will have no worries with ghosts being... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rosie Ate the Mail

I left Rosie alone and unkenneled today while I was out. She managed to get a package and ate it. All she left was the receipt for payment. It was a necklace I had ordered and I couldn't find it anywhere, not even the box it came in. I couldn't believe she ate a whole box. I finally found it behind the door. I was glad because she was getting to be an expensive dog. I got her more dog chewies today and she is very happy. She chews a lot. If I reprimand her by swatting a piece of paper on my... Sign in to see full entry.

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