penneylaneonline for Friday, October 12, 2007

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Friday, October 12, 2007


Mario's on Edwin Street North in Croydon is my favourite Italian Pizzeria. Mario is third generation owner of his inherited family business. His grandfather and father both owned and worked its small premises on the cnr of Edwin Street North and Henessey St. They are located right beside the railway tracks next to Croydon Station. You would think that would matter but it doesn't. Not to Mario's bulging clientele. There are stock standard things that I order and eat when I go to Mario's. His... Sign in to see full entry.

One Good Turn

Men (well at least six of them that I know) have this fascinating thing that they do. It still puzzles me! Why, for instance, do some of them insist on driving a quarter of a mile down the road to turn around when a decent three point u-turn would be sufficient? I mean really, I'd like to know? Is it a 'secret Men's business' thing? What? The issue itself is a strange phenomenon among men who pride themselves in a level of driving expertise that is superior to many women that I know, including... Sign in to see full entry.

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