CURIOUS KITTY for Thursday, December 25, 2003

By JustJilly - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Everything Else

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Who thinks I should post what I have so far of my short story?

just wondering.... It's not even a whole page yet.... (depending on font/size) I intend to make it my first novel.... Sign in to see full entry.

What REALLY gets on your nerves??

for me... it has to be the constant cat-traffic through my room. Cat's meowing on my bed for me to open the window... cats jumping against the window asking to come in... cats begging to come in my room at my door... cats begging to go out into the hallway.... Sign in to see full entry.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEAAASE add onto the Neverending stories....

it is a lot of fun. When the story is completed, I will hold a vote on what was the most creative addition to the story. (I can't win) The winner gets the following clicks on all of their blogs comments on a number of posts = to the number of blogs you have (some posts are just too hard to comment... Sign in to see full entry.

Ladies, does caffeine make you horny??? Just wondering if I am the only 1

I don't get it. alcohol-marijuana... that makes sense.. BUT CAFFEINE??? *sigh it sux! Expecially since drew isnt here!!!!!!!!!!! Sign in to see full entry.


hmmm.... I'd say the worst gift i got was one of those optic-fiber ball thingies... but only because I was THERE when dad bought it! lol But I still like it so over-all... my gifts were awesome this year! Sign in to see full entry.

What state (or province etc...) do you live in???

I know that there are people from all over on this site. I just want to get a good idea of how far out we spread! I'm a Jersey girl, by the way. Born and Bred! Sign in to see full entry.

What did you get for christmas so far??

What was the best/worst gift you recieved and why? Sign in to see full entry.

What is your Christmas wish?

I think that my Christmas wish is that no one I know and love dies in the next year.... It would be a wonderful change.... Sign in to see full entry.

Are you opening presents this morning??

I can't wait to see what I got-- just because I have absolutely NO IDEA THIS YEAR!!! lol there were two things I REALLY WANTED. A laptop and this other thing... a laptop is outta the question, and the other thing is sold out everywhere! unless they found one and are trying to surprise me.... it... Sign in to see full entry.

Why are YOU awake at this ungodly hour???

I have an excuse... I'm hyped up on caffeine!! Sign in to see full entry.

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