CURIOUS KITTY for Wednesday, December 17, 2003

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Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Do you think that Santa is so jolly because he knows where all the bad

girls live??? It's an interesting thought.... Sign in to see full entry.

WHAT IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE??? I thought I gave a REALLY easy one there!!!

In my blog NAME THAT TUNE!!! I think I gave one of the easiest lines EVER!!! I can't believe no one here knows the song!!!! Sign in to see full entry.

Are you a neat freak?? Or possibly a recovered neat freak????

HELP!!! I don't understand my brother Joseph!!!! Why does everything have to have a PLACE!!! he has shoe bloxes with labels and this and that and whatnot... He EXPLODES at Jack when he makes a mess in their room... I don't get it!!! Somehow that clean gene skipped my Dad and my other brothers and... Sign in to see full entry.

Who shot Mr. Burns??? If you can answer this get an elegy!!!

There are some different answers... but I'm looking for the FINAL answer.... hmmm... some of you may be confused... GOOD. But for those of you who aren't give me the answer and you get a place in: Elegies to my BN Buds Sign in to see full entry.

Where is your favorite place to sit down and read a book?

I guess my favorite place is there no longer... I most enjoyed reading in the rocking chair by the wood-burning stove at Long Lake... but Grandpa sold it, so I guess my current favorite reading corner is my own bed. Sign in to see full entry.

do you ever really honestly mean to do ONE thing and end up doing something

ENTIRELY different??? I am supposed to be doing my floor exercizes... but I got on to complain/laugh about something really stupid I did while only 10minutes into my usually hour and a half excersize session... (It is very low-stress excersize.... so I can get away with that.. besides.. its fun...)... Sign in to see full entry.

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