I Like the Long ForePlay

By LadyCeeMarie - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Relationships

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Marriage Means Trust

This is a good follow-up to my last post in Relationships. I thought this made a good dovetail to my last post in Spirituality as well. This is what I meant by my husband giving me my head and how that always kept me from straying. It was when he quit caring that my heart DID stray. He discovered he DID love more than he knew he was capable. Instead of shutting me out, he opened the door wider. What follows is a reprint: Marriage Means Trust I have been married 5 years, and my spouse believes... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 25, 2006

So Alone

This single leaf will soon be joined by hundreds of others, to be raked, mulched or bagged. I have always hated to be painted into a box. I don't like to lumped in with hundreds of others, raked, mulched and bagged. No, sirree! Lately I have felt alone, like this leaf. My husband said to me, when he was having his rant this past week, "You were going to leave us last year." That had been my decision -- Mike’s and mine. Yet when Mike's wife told him, "You can't unilaterally make that decision, to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Day if the Life of . . .

(conclusion) My husband, Jay, had already had his blowup, taking out his frustrations on the wrong people. If we had tried to disagree, he'd shout louder, telling Sean to shutup and listen, claiming that no one "got it." He has always felt like no one paid him attention. He got our shocked attention last night, when all hell almost broke lose. Earlier that evening, he brought up that I had planned on leaving them all last year when I fell in love with Mike. I asked him why he brought that up... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Day if the Life of . . .

(part 2 of 3) The banker we've been working with called Wednesday to ask him if he was going to make that deadline. When my husband said he didn't think so, he was asked if he thought it was time to throw in the towel. Of course, they would love to take over our building. Our home is listed as a second on the mortgage and the banker said something about being able to save our home if we did this. To make a long story shorter, I had told our daughter, Stephanie, and her fiancé, Sean, that they... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Day if the Life of . . .

I took his face gently in both of my hands, turned his face toward my face, and coaxed him to make eye contact with me. "I promised you I would never put you through that again." There, he looked at me, eye to eye, for a few seconds. Then he turned away, his eyes darted anywhere but on my face. Gently I repeated the motion with much love, with both of my hands on his face. I established eye contact with him again, and said, "Believe me. I will not leave you alone. I love YOU............. believe... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Your Brother's Keeper

You are your brother’s keeper. These two brothers grew up fourteen years apart. Big brother graduated from high school in 1961, little brother in 1975. At age 18, older brother was still into Elvis and the Beatles had yet to cross the pond. Viet Nam was not yet a war. The younger brother, age 18, had seen Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin and Jim Morrison burn out their stars. The U.S. had lost the Viet Nam War and had 54 thousand casualties. Neither brother had to fight. The generation of designer... Sign in to see full entry.

I can tell you a tale

I think my brother and I had a great thing going on. The picture shows his playful nature as well as my joyful acceptance of his affections! He tells me I smashed his airplane, however, an incident for which I offer no defense! He had just finished assembling his rubber band powered, balsa wood airplane. He had cut out the parts, carefully glued them all together and had waited for the glue to set. He attached the wire thin, lightweight wheels to the front of the plane's fuselage that to me... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Dear CeeMarie Continues

What have I been doing lately? As my back hurts less and less every day, I am catching up with some non-sitting activities (housework mostly). I can rejoice to be out of pain! Since Ypunday read my answer to a question, and liked it, I decided to show what I have been up to, besides letting my back heal and get better. Here goes: Dear LadyCee, Dear Ab-Cee, Dear CeeMarie, ( which one should I be, anyway? Feel free to give me your vote ). Last night I made my wife upset because I told her she... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

One of the fun things I'm discovering on my "Yahoo 360 Blog" is that you get points for answering questions. Two of my longwinded answers have landed me some bonus points already! I spent some time answering a few questions tonight. One of them, from a man, had to do with turning your back on love when you'd had enough. I wrote an answer that flowed from my fingertips; the kind where you are "in the zone," and I finished it with a line from Jame's Taylor's "4th of July" where he sings, "Love... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Love Letters that Swirl

Oops, I accidentally ran into a folder full of love letters from Mike that I hadn’t put with the others in “the Arc.” Oh my, could my Michael write. No wonder I was swept off my feet. It was such a different tone than the “Dear Carole and Jay” e-mail he sent in March asking that I not contact him anymore. That e-mail didn’t even sound like he’d written it; it was so wooden and flat, with as much swirl as an office memo. You can just read the love swirling around the words on the eve of our... Sign in to see full entry.

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