TAPS' Take

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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Family Letter Writing

When I miss a day at Blogit, it usually turns into a week or more of being absent. As they say, "a miss is as good as a mile" is true in any venue. It is hard to again get in the groove of writing here. Well, today I was composing an email note to Sis, then I added my Baltimore Sis. Then on a whim,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

There Is Nothing Like A Good Word

Somewhere along the way I lost out for four days in the Blogit world. I wasn't sleeping all that time, just a good part of it. Mostly it was my body rebelling from doing things I usually do. It didn't want to bother with old-lady exercises or chores. It just wanted a pampering and understanding and... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Pat Told Me Not To Read It...But...

There is a site I don't like but I can't help reading there now and then out of curiosity. I never like what I read. They lump everyone together and make assumptions that are not true of everyone. The question that caught my eye today was offensive to me: "Why do old people stop cleaning?" I wonder... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Perils of Everyday Living

I'm getting pretty careless or stupid, or something. I bit down on the left_hand side of my tongue yesterday really hard. Today it is very swollen and sore. So today, in trying to be very careful of that part of my anatomy and not bite on it again, I managed to bite down on the right-hand side of my... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Civicus -- I Could Have Loved It

Everything I ever learned about Civics, I learned from my Dad. When I had civics in 8th grade highscool I had a teacher that had no interest in it and everyday segued to something more fun. I learned nothing at all that stayed with me and as an adult had to learn those things for myself. Dad was... Sign in to see full entry.

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