Sleepless Writings for Friday, January 16, 2004

By JustJilly - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Friday, January 16, 2004


Letting loose, letting the words flow from my finger tips directly to the screen Letting my mind filter out every odd thought in my brain Posting one after another after another of poems Putting them up the second I write them And moving on to write even more Writing like I used to years before When... Sign in to see full entry.


I’ve just been so immersed in all that I’m doing I have just now noticed my foot is tingling As dead as the leaves buried under the snow Refusing to move when I tell it to go The blood slowly starts flowing It is no longer tingling But rather than leaving it where the blood might flow, Back under my... Sign in to see full entry.


Sometimes I want to scream for all the stupidity of people Pull out my hair and flow the closest blunt object But doing that sort of thing has landed me with scars on my knuckles I find it better to help these stupid people when I can They can be quite frustrating at times, asking or saying the same... Sign in to see full entry.


I’ve been working so hard for this party tomorrow As exhausted as I am, with all that I still need to do The best reward is seeing Drew Tomorrow morning I have to pick out movies And get one of the boys to clean the living room floor While I try to clean what my friends will see as they walk in the... Sign in to see full entry.


I don’t understand why I should have thoughts in order to write I should be able to write any time day or night Regardless of my inspiration Free-flow writing is like a vacation It brings you out of your shell Express what you feel Take on the day With no fears in your way At times I feel like... Sign in to see full entry.


They say that writing is therapy Does that count for exhaustion? I understand how it could make you happy But does it count for rejuvenation? Will I be able to stand straighter? And breathe through my nose? Will I be able to think straighter? Does anyone know? Will writing actually do these amazing... Sign in to see full entry.

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