Sleepless Writings for Thursday, January 1, 2004

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Thursday, January 1, 2004


Why do the nights drag on as they do? The nights that I am without Drew When I wake up longing to feel his touch And can’t get to sleep for the rest of the night Lying in bed thinking of him Wanting nothing more than to be with him Let him calm my troubled mind With a simple look into my eyes He can... Sign in to see full entry.


I miss him so much I need his touch To calm my nerves And purge me of my hurt I want to hear his voice again Cuddle close and hold his hand Look into his gray-blue eyes Let the world around me slide Not worry about what could be Not worry about what would be Not worry about the past Just let the... Sign in to see full entry.


I have some issues with clenching my teeth together Like every time I listen to my kitties purr I hold them tight and scratch behind their ears A bad habit I have had for years If something is adorable and I can’t put it in words For some reason I figure: let’s make my teeth hurt I’ve been doing... Sign in to see full entry.


A new record for the night If I can type this fast 16 blogs in 20 minutes If I really haul ass! I think it’s amazing how inspired I get After just one conversation with Drew My typing speed helps as well can tell you, I’m surely not slow. I still have an entire minute, as the clock has not turned I... Sign in to see full entry.


Where does the time go? I can’t believe it’s almost time Soon I’ll be home Best friend by my side Soon thereafter I will see my Drew And little Jilly Will blog up a storm! All the things I want to do The second I step through that door I can’t decide what I want more I think I’m losing my mind Where... Sign in to see full entry.


I miss you so much yet I am happy on my own I love it here yet I want to go o home I want to kiss you and make love all night But I’m fine with watching a movie and falling asleep I want you to say I love but I am glad that you don’t I respect that you won’t dare say something of which you’re not... Sign in to see full entry.


Alone in the night waiting for Kimmers Hoping she thinks to climb on the computer I miss her so much I could fall to pieces Kim really does mean the world to me I wish I were there to celebrate Smoking in New Years day Rather than ringing it in as blazing is ten times more fun And of all the people... Sign in to see full entry.


Where will this lead and how will we know? When things have gone sour or its time to show That we are meant to be for each other Or meant to be apart Will it be a problem for us? Will he break my heart? Sure these questions come to mind But quickly I dismiss them I am happy with my Drew In the now... Sign in to see full entry.


Late night blogging, feeling great Heineken beer in my gut Waiting for my friend to wake And get on her computer, but She is probably much to burnt to do so So I guess I’ll do without her Got some icky Heineken And of course, good old, BN Love to blog though late at night When many bloggers are... Sign in to see full entry.

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