Jimmy Rod's Best Shot

By Tahoe_Red_Dog - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Humor

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hey, little tiny georgie bush! Have some truth serum, on ice! - Jimmy Rod

Something happened and then didn't happen. A history changing riddle. Rachel Maddow broke the story of the 5-5-10 San Antonio Refinery Fire. The story that went from "now you see it, to now you don't," instantaneously. Maddow was covering a possible end of the world story, brilliantly. Then the MSNBC San Antonio Refinery Fire story, disappeared. Poof! Quick as a phone call from Rupert Murdoch at FOX to 'Rupert Murdoch' at MSNBC. An end of the world story with heroics beyond forever. And we let... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dems, Repugs argue "to be or not to be" - Jimmy Rod's Best Shot

So Karl Rove and George W. Bush have decided to steal the 2012 elections. They pull this garbage every November election day. Win or lose, the Republicans cheat. They think cheating is fun. Democratic election security officials, don't "show-up" on election day. The Rove Repugs steal everything in sight. Then Rupert Murdoch and the BushCheneyRoveGingrich boys cover-up what just happened with their 'bought and paid for' news media. Unless Democratic election security stops working for the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Repugs Nominate "Max Headroom" and Falsify Polling Statistics

Suddenly Romney leads Obama "on the economy." Those numbers are just the manipulations of the Republican owned polling organizations. Bush/Rove wet dreams. President Obama leads Romney big in the presidential race. Romney leads Obama BIG on the economy. That's not even statistically possible. Who owns these polling organizations? Republicans, no doubt. They own everything else. That means they can (mechanically) falsify polling numbers, at will. The question remains, "is Democratic election... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jimmy Rod Definition of "Nazi-shrink" -

I have an idiot operating on my apartment roof. I have referred to him as a Nazi-shrink. This idiot has been following me around through my ceiling. Using psychological torture via sound. After more than a half year of this EVERY DAY mental agony, I believe "nazi-shrink" (in quotation marks) to be a fair term describing the idiot on my roof. Sign in to see full entry.

At Last, Obama "Claws Back!" $450 million found, 100 Arrested for Fraud!

This may be even bigger than it sounds. Hundreds of billions have been stolen from America by the Bush Administration. Find little Georgie's swiss banks and you'll find your money. America is still rich! We just need to check the books. BushCheneyRoveGingrich have hidden our money. We're just some solid accounting from being a rich nation, again. Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jimmy Rod Radio's TV Good Guy Pick - Scott Bakula in "Quantum Leap"

It's on G4 from 11 to 1 in the afternoon, weekdays. That was a wild Baby Boomer "ride." It was a no-effort history class. All the "good guys and gals" love it. Right now, Sam (Scott Bakula) is trying to save the life of a woman who is trying to kill him. If you want to save the day like back in the good old days, go to G4 and show the world how great "Quantum Leap" really was. Sign in to see full entry.

Jimmy Rod Radio's cool pick? "It Ain't Over"... Lenny Kravitz

It's a vacation in True Cooland. If you don't move and sing to this one, get yourself a headstone. You can you tube this one in an Alameda minute. Google it at "It Ain't Over 'till it's Over - Kravitz." This song goes straight to the hips. Try doing a slow motion "Pony" to it. If you've got the " chops" for it, you'd be creating a different planet. Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Jimmy Rod Radio's cool pick? Anything by Sade!

You'll find her "lighting up" your smooth jazz station. Everybody loves Sade! Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fleener (finally) joins Luck with the Colts! Niners get Ducks' James!

It's good to see a couple of Stanford heros get together in Indianapolis. If the San Francisco 49ers can't have them, at least they're not in the 49ers' conference. That way we don't have to beat up on them with the best defense in pro football. The Niners have another pick coming up very soon (in the second round). The guy who's available who you might recognize is LaMichael James, RB from Oregon. He was one of the few collegiate players who had significant success against Jim Harbaugh at... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do the 49ers pick Coby Fleener or not? It's happening right now!

We're coming back from the commercial. Fleener has lasted through 29 picks. But (drum roll) they choose A.J. Jenkins from Illinois. My immediate Stanford disappointment is quickly assuaged when I see how fast Jenkins moves. And that's what this pick is about. The 49ers lacked TERRIFYING speed? Not any more! Jenkins can flat-out-fly. He'll stretch the field for the 49ers. I think Fleener will make plays that will win many games. I think Jimmy Harbaugh knows this. I think Coach Jim will suffer... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BushMurdoch Cyber-Attacks on Iran leave U.S. computers open for retaliation

This is just another of GWB's murder the planet efforts. Someone wants us to die but he doesn't want to get caught. That's what little georgie bush has been trying to do to us ever since he stole the American Presidency in 2000 and 2004. For example, Bush allowed 9-11 to happen right in front of his eyes. (I dare you to Google search Loose Change, 9-11 and watch the best documentary, ever). The Crawford Creep destroyed the world's economy by stealing all the money. He just MASSIVELY over-charged... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Oil repeats their Bp Gulf oil Terrorist Attack in Brazil

Google search 'Chevron Transocean sued in Brazil.' If you think the GOP murder of the Gulf of Mexico via petro-poison was an isolated incident, you were wrong. Brazil investigators saw a Republican-like crime and sued Repug companies for 20 billion. Big Oil still owes Americans big money for destroying our weather by intentionally dumping infinite petro-poison into the Gulf. Big oil owes the American people billions. Just watch our bad weather ooze out of the Bp oil still oozing from the Gulf.... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hey, Meteorologists! Are you STUPID or what? Do you WANT your kids to die?

Why is it so difficult to do a comparison of weather Dopplers 'before and after' the Bush/Bp oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? The big inside job disaster in which Bush/Bp apparently blew up their own oil rig to murder humanity. GW Bush's very own Bp/Halliburton/Transocean team tore the protective cement core off the then doomed oil rig. The immediately ensuing explosion dumped months of oil into the Gulf, killing everything in sight. Now, that oil is in the air everywhere, traveling with the... Sign in to see full entry.

Andrew Luck is the best QB pick, ever! - Jimmy Rod's Best Shot!

Mr. Andrew Luck took over a generally pathetic Stanford team and quickly turned it into one of the top football powers in collegiate football. Isn't that the primary goal of a QB? To win! To take a team from sow's ear to silk purse is the ultimate accomplishment! Luck did that! If you disagree, give me a name of a QB who would be a better "number one." There has never been a more physically talented quarterback than John Elway. He could "throw a football through a brick wall." He left his... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hey, Bush Repugs! Here's the bad news! It didn't work! You're Busted!

How are the GWB Nutzis going to feel when the American 99% occupies the 1%'s fancy-ass front-yards. When you steal my child's medical care, what do you think I will do? What do you think parents will do to you when your stupid Republican "just say no" idea, kills their children? Your attack on health care hurts most Americans. And Americans know it's you doing it, little georgie bush. You're busted, little tiny georgie bush. You're busted! Now that we see you murdering the planet with your... Sign in to see full entry.

Time to "do something about the weather" or die! - Jimmy Rod's Best Shot!

This amazingly bad weather the midwest and south are having is no "accident." It started IMMEDIATELY AFTER the intentionally devastating Bush/Bp Oil spill in 2010. Our weather has been terrible ever since. We need to pick up that oil and separate it from the water. Look at the Weather Channel Doppler. You can see oil continue to pour into the air from the gulf. The lubrication makes tornados spin much faster than they would otherwise. The oil in the air has changed our lightning. The oil is the... Sign in to see full entry.

Hey, Sharks! Have Jumbo help "break the press" - Jimmy Rod's Best Shot

The St. Louis Blues are using what they call a "full court press," in basketball. The way you get rid of the press is to take advantage of it. Make the gambling pressing peckerwoods pay! Have one of your best offensive players hang back with the defensemen when you gain control of the puck and start up ice. You would either force them to drop out of their "press" or gamble even more. They would have to concentrate on a Thorntonish player right in the middle of their "press." You are now GETTING... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hey, Weather Channel Cowards! Where's Your Doppler Comparison?

I guess when Rupert Murdoch says there will be "no Doppler comparison," there's no Doppler Comparison. Little Jimmy Cantore can't even do a comparison between the weather before the huge Bp "spill" and the weather after the spill. I guess " Jimmy Can't," can't muster the guts or the intelligence to spot the problem. Mr. Weather Cantore, can't even figure out the obvious. It's the Bp oil spill, Stupid! Pick up the rest of that oil before it "blows us all away!" Sign in to see full entry.

Don't miss GW Bush in "Avoiding the Handcuffs"

This "show" can be googled at GWB avoids the handcuffs. This is what you get when you torture people, george. Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Little GWB Looks More Like a Drunken Rattlesnake Than Ever!

So little, tiny georgie bush has re-emerged from hiding. His words were childish and stupid. They proved he's still alive. That was about it. He looked drunk. Pink faced. Pink eyes. He was trying to justify his failures with lame ass humor. I'm surprised to see you exposing youself, little georgie. The American people know a sot when they see a sot, little 5'7" georgie. Sign in to see full entry.

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