The Ciel Show for Friday, November 25, 2016

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Embers is sleeping...

The blood work determined that all her systems are good and could handle the anesthsia, so she is having several teeth removed, and will be waking soon to come home again. I am waiting now for the call that she is ready to be collected. Since she won't let me put the pain meds in her mouth, I'll be giving them to her by injection under the skin. I used to do this for our cats when we had several, and we needed to be frugal: we got their regular annual shots at the farm store and administered... Sign in to see full entry.

back to usual...

Today Charlie's dad flies home, the last of yesterday's dishes go into the dishwasher now I have the first load shelved, and Embers returns to the vet. She has been eating a little, drinking very little, and so she'll go in today and possibly be put under to have her mouth x-rayed. They'll take measures to rehydrate her, too. She is sitting on me now, purring. Soon she will be less pleased, being put into the carrier again, then the car. The vet she doesn't mind so much: they are people, and she... Sign in to see full entry.

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