The Ciel Show for Sunday, May 1, 2016

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Nature and I abhor the vacuum.

I finally took mine to the fixer for its first ever annual checkup. And got it back again. the carpets here were much in need of a working vacuum, and now, mostly, the upstairs is done, and the pretty oriental carpet is truly bright again. Charlie will do the stairs, probably not as soon as he said he would. Hereafter, it will be spot-cleaning near the birds, where their seeds will migrate beyond the cage, and the little messes that happen around houseplants. And surprise spots, like where I... Sign in to see full entry.

Two more littles have joined the household

Yesterday was an adoption event at a place called Perches that specializes in birds and their equipment. Among the load brought back from the storage in Washington was a largish cage that my daughter used to house a cockatiel. Today, it houses two sweet and mostly yellow parakeets. The male is middle-aged for a budgie, ~7 years. He is yellow-headed, green-fronted, dark-blue-tailed with distinct black barring across wings and shoulders. He is busy and chirpy and friendly toward people, all good... Sign in to see full entry.

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