The Agony & The Ecstasy

By brianne_amai - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Sunday, September 2, 2007


They always flip a bitch I try to tell 'em before it's too late But they don't hear me though They do me straight-up dirty Acting like egotistical kings Ruling over some make-believe city Treating me like some raggedy peasant. Shit... By the time they realize I fit the glass slipper It's too late.... Sign in to see full entry.


My feelings for you are just a watered down soda Shit, it's not my fault. You're the one who added the ice! Used to think all I ever wanted was you And I. But now you’re 10 years late And 10 dollars short Shoulda opened your eyes To the magic of mine Before I Saw it in myself, realized I needed no... Sign in to see full entry.


How do you smile when his indifference is choking your heart? How can you breathe when his fears of completely letting go run so deep they suck the air from your lungs? And how does my heart even have the faith to beat again when the hope of an affection never given is so intense, that when it once... Sign in to see full entry.

DeuxLangue Style Poetry

For those who don't know, DeuxLangue is a style of poetry that must read forward as well as backward... We are lovely... Entertwined deliciously. We are... Dancing slowly and Seductively. Are we lovely and sensual? Yes... Yes... Sensual and Lovely we are... Seductively and Slowly dancing are we...... Sign in to see full entry.


...And if I have to listen to one more friend telling me to "stay single" So I can enjoy life without the drama I'm goin' off! Cause what they have I'll never settle for And what they settle for is so damn pitiful Name callin' and blatant disrespect 24/7 Shit, I'm waitin' on Callin' out names and... Sign in to see full entry.

"The Unattainable"

I used to think that if I hoped hard enough... If I was really, truly, good enough... Maybe if I just Focused strongly enough... That I'd somehow be able to grasp the one thing that seemed so far out of reach. Silly me... Water is ungraspable The moon is unreachable Like sand, running through a... Sign in to see full entry.

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