The Agony & The Ecstasy

By brianne_amai - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ok this is ridiculous...

I'm at work and I think I would give ANYTHING for a SLURPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm thinking that come lunch time I'm gonna head out to 7-Eleven and get a slurpee again... and a SKOR bar, been craving that too... oh and if I go there I'm gonna need to get some twizzler bites too...cherry flavor... oh boy... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I WANT A SLURPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I wish there was a 7-Eleven closer to me...I have to get on the damn freeway to get to the closest one! But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! That test today SUCKED! Some of it was VERY easy, but the hard parts were HELL! MATH is my worst subject and they... Sign in to see full entry.

My niece

I just love her to pieces! I believe that we live in many different lifetimes, and that we choose who is in our life before we get here. I've had this belief for quite some time. I've always felt a deep connection with my niece, and I know we've been together in other lifetimes. Well, one day she... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 7, 2007


This might make some of you think I'm a complete weirdo, but I just have to get it out. I had a weird experience last night. It has happened to me before, but it's been quite a few months. I don't know how to describe it accurately but I will do my best. I think I've had this same experience about 4... Sign in to see full entry.

Study Time!

I have a test tomorrow for a promotion. It's a tedious 3.5 hour exam and I'm going blind from reading! So all I ask is that you all send some positive vibes my way!! And speaking of being supportive...I wrote a poem called U-Turn... it's on here somewhere. I just talked to the guy I wrote it for.... Sign in to see full entry.


Ok, DEEP BREATH! I am so relieved right now... Yesterday, after my mental breakdown, a few things happened... First, there was a pay raise granted to us in July but we hadn't received it yet. After my mental breakdown the clerical worker in my office sent me an email with this in the title: "I have... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hello....and Goodbye

My stay has been short, but I sure appreciate all the love I received while I was here. I don't have the $12.95 to spare for this site. I know it sounds silly, but it's true. In fact, I have less than $1 for the rest of the month - so you see, I'm not exagerating. I'm going to have to sell my... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Today is not a good day. I feel icky... my head hurts...I'm so tired...I feel like I'm about to cry, in fact, I know I'm going to cry today I can feel it. Just a matter of when and to who. I'm also nervous because my manager emailed me asking if we could meet today at 1:30, to "touch base." I get... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Ok...according to the Law of Attraction, focusing on what you're thankful for will bring more love and positivity into your life...And I need that so much right now. My mom - I'm so thankful for my mom, she's always there for me no matter what the problem is, I can talk to her about anything. She's... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 3, 2007

A Turning Point since being back from Georgia I've realized something. I touched on it in my response to the last post but it deserves it's own post because it's very important... (FYI, I went to Georgia last month to visit my ex who I hadn't seen in a couple of years...this post is taken from another blog... Sign in to see full entry.

A taste of my love life...

I am the queen of bad dates!!! I've had some pretty crappy experiences, but I've learned from them all! Just thought I'd share...This is from another blog I have. (Disclaimer: I have a potty mouth...sorry!!) My date yesterday............. Ok lemme just walk ya through it. I was so ridiculously... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


In the beginning, I knew better. I followed my rules, but he only tried harder. In time, He became the perfect man for me. He showed me the love I yearned to see. I experienced an intimacy I've never before known. As quick as he gave it, he took it away. And now, like before, I'm alone. How could... Sign in to see full entry.

Is this love or are we learning to be…

Cause You and I We is destiny We are love We be free Cause to me He is tender He are mine And We be so free To love without condition To lay without fear To live within us And to wake without doubt Cause to him I is lovely I are for him only I be so sexually free And Who knows what we know Who sees... Sign in to see full entry.


the only reason i don't pull the trigger is cause they'd say it was just a matter of time before she did it. the signs were all there. she was so "troubled." "its just so sad." if i thought they'd figure out the truth of the matter was that i was so sick of being used up by everyone around me who... Sign in to see full entry.


It’s as though my body is filled with sand Heavy and wet Almost as if someone enveloped my soul in a thick, cold blanket. Dark and invisible It feels as though my heart has become as leaden as stone Tedious and unable to carry with me The pressure is so powerful that I know if I cry I’ll explode in... Sign in to see full entry.

Two Shining Stars

I. The astronomy of my universe Held two shining stars Both bright Both equally important And both were the glue Melding my sanity in place There once was a third. This one was the hope My once naïve heart Held onto with all the optimism Of an untainted child This third star was love. Through... Sign in to see full entry.

I need...

I realized today That I’m in need of something… I’ve been chasing love Affection And passion. Only to find lust Lonliness And fear. So many times I thought I would simply Die. But I never did. I can’t remember How many nights I sobbed. Asking God To allow me to simply Never awaken. I can’t remember... Sign in to see full entry.


I thought I saw my reflection in your aura I could have sworn I saw glimpses Within the swirls of light Seeing myself in your purples On my feisty nights. The moments of your blues I swore I was in your arms In the calm After the storm of our passion. Then there were the days I could have sworn... Sign in to see full entry.

Healing: Part I

"Thank you God for healing me... Thank you God for healing me... Thank you God for healing me..." Someone once told me that the only way To ask God for anything, Was to thank him in advance. "Thank you God for healing me... Thank you God for healing me... Thank you God for healing me..." And on and... Sign in to see full entry.

Broken Clarity

In times like these I’m known to search far and wide for the purpose, the reason, the INTENTION of my soul. I could not be I If this life weren’t to put me through these same trying times. Time and again. I keep showing up here Over and over again. So, Since God keeps bringing These same experiences... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)