Member Profile for growler


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December 16, 2003
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NFL Monday - Feb 6, 2011
FOOTBALL JUSTICE AND BOREDOM - Today's Super Bowl between the Pittsburhg...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 1227

I FINALLY DID IT (FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH) - I finally published my first...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 1308

LAUGHING AT LIFE - Nov 2, 2010
THAT 70'S LIFE - For Halloween, my coworkers and I decided on a seventies...
Humor - Popularity rank: 1309

My Five Minutes - Nov 2, 2010
WHAT PRICE VICTORY? - I'm late with this blog. Very late. You see, last,...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 1310

Growler Speaks - Oct 19, 2010
JUST ASKING - We had a local politician speak at our church Sunday. An...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 1331

VERY HUMBLING - I have a very humbling job. I work as a chiropractic...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 1438

Toys in the Attic - Sep 24, 2005
Jinxes and Curses - I have stated here before that I don't believe in...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 5304

That's Why They Play The Games - Dec 29, 2003
NFL Football - By Tim Holland What a weekend. What a way for the regular...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 5843

The Amazing Brett Favre - Dec 23, 2003
Pro Football - What Brett Favre did last Monday night to the Oakland...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 5844


Sports Talk Radio Is A Waste Ot Time (And So Is This Book) - Nov 2, 2010

by growler48 words, book

A Fun Book On Sports. A Common Sense Look at Sports Past and Present. Nonficition.

Buy now $24.00


Joe Q. Athlete comes to the plate in the World Series. It's the bottom of the ninth and his team trails 6-3. There are two outs and the bases are loaded. Joe Q. is no ordinary ballplayer. He is a.300 hitter with power and speed. He's a Gold Golve fielder. He's a perennial all-star. He's just the man his team wants at the plate this moment. The confrontataion between pitcher and catcher commences as Joe Q. steps into the box. As he takes the first pitch for a strike, the T.V. cameras cut to the..