Saif' thoughts.. From here and there...
- Oct 7, 2013
Towards a Better World (19) - Good evening everybody.. How are you?? How...
- Popularity rank: 767
Unfathomed Reminiscence
- Oct 7, 2013
Lifeless Young Man (5) - Part 1 of 2 - They have come to Muscat. They're...
Everything Else
- Popularity rank: 768
When Life gets so bad..
- Oct 1, 2013
Wings of Happiness - Although I am going through a lot these days.. I have...
- Popularity rank: 770
Da.. da..
- Jun 26, 2013
worrying about her as if she was his own daughter. He decided to ask...
- Popularity rank: 800
- Jun 26, 2013
Aseem - He He gazed slowly at the heavens hoping to answers for the...
- Popularity rank: 801
by Saif_AlKindi877 words, short story
A girl in her wedding day. How so close a daughter can be to her parents? Any parents wish to see their children grow up and marry.. These are some of the moments the parents had had with their daughter before she leaves to live with her husband..