Hey, Xeno. What I don't get is everyone's vehemence when it comes to
expressing their opinion, especially when contradicting the opinion of another.  Cindy Sheehan has every right to protest the war and call for the impeachment of Dubya, just as anyone else in this country does.  Outlawing assembling and protesting around Dubya's ranch is an example of unconstitutional fascism.  As for Sheehan hurting our troops and helping the terrorists -- what ignorant bullshit.  Even if you do not agree with Sheehan, and she does lean a little too left for most, her actions and words in no way helps terrorism.  They may not be what most people want to hear, they may go against the patriotic grain, they definitely go against the right-wing way of thinking, yet her words and actions are just as American as those of John Hancock and Patrick Henry.  Not everyone in the Colonies agreed with those legendary gentlemen, many of whom were ridiculed and maligned after the Revolution, but all those people, both pro and con, made up what became the United States.  Sheehan and Bush are the inheritors of a democracy born of discord and compromise.  It continues to be a democracy of discord and compromise.  So stop calling Sheehan unAmerican and unpatriotic just because you disagree with her.  Stop calling her unAmerican because she wants Dubya impeached.  Stop calling her unAmerican because she supports the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.  Your argument holds no water, for her expressing her opinion is the core of what it is to be American.  As for her abetting the terrorists in Iraq -- since when has a Muslim extremist given a damn about the words of a woman, let alone an American woman? 

posted by saul_relative on December 3, 2005 at 10:22 PM | link to this | reply

That's a good one Xeno-x


posted by Straightforward on December 3, 2005 at 8:59 AM | link to this | reply

thank you for yor comment
go to the link at the right -- there's a photo of Woody with his guitar on that webpage somewhere -- that's where I got the title --

posted by Xeno-x on December 2, 2005 at 8:03 AM | link to this | reply

Not that this has anything to do with the topic . . .
. . . but didn't that sticker on Woody Guthrie's guitar read, "This Machine Kills Fascists"?

posted by WriterofLight on December 1, 2005 at 6:03 PM | link to this | reply

How to support the Sheehanites in Crawford?
Donate a Porta-Potty so they don't have to use the ditch as a latrine.

posted by WriterofLight on December 1, 2005 at 6:01 PM | link to this | reply

Mrs Sheehan has her right to protest, but what she is doing under the guise of morning,hides a secret plan of her own.Furthermore, she is fueling terrorists and wants to weaken the US and its soldiers on the field.I am afraid she deserves no sympathies.

posted by Flame-thrower on December 1, 2005 at 3:18 PM | link to this | reply


Why doesn't George Bush grab a rifle and head off to Iraq?  It's not fair to attack Xeno-x for not going down if she didn't go.  There might be circumstances in her life that would be prohibitive to going.

posted by Trevor_Cunnington on November 30, 2005 at 4:36 PM | link to this | reply

facts are
1. anyone else with GW's gardes would have expelled from Yale -- only his daddy's influence kept him in.
2. I know a lot of people with post-graduate degrees (lawyers, doctors) who I would conclude shouldn't have gotten them (or acquired them through devious means) and others.
3. do you really have to be good at flying to sit around most of the time?
4. stealing an election is stealing an electoin and when it's the presidential election . . .

posted by Xeno-x on November 28, 2005 at 5:08 PM | link to this | reply

yes corbin, I'm ready for him to resign
or else initiate a nationwide recall vote
he doesn'
t derserve to be president
he's the worst president we've ever had.
all that I've stated is true.
you -- and no one else -- can candy coat his record to the point that it is anywhere near palatable to the person who thinks.

posted by Xeno-x on November 28, 2005 at 5:04 PM | link to this | reply


Apparantly no one listened for your call to rally forth to Texas and of course, you didn't go yourself.  Cindy needed you man......and you let her down.  Go immediatly to the nearest Barnes & Noble and buy 3 copies!

On your comments.....where to start in such ramblings

everything Bushie has was a direct result of his daddy's influence.
He got into the Air National Guard to GET OUT OF SERVING in Vietnam. erved no active duty. was almost a less than mediocre pilot, flew his daddy's friends aroiund on munkets.

Almost less than mediocre pilot?  Hmmmm, that would almost make him dead in most instances......can you fly a fighter or reconnaissance plane....hell, even a piper cub?????  If not he's a step above you right off the bat.......

here we go again -- stating partial facts -- just what makes your boy look good.
Bushie -- well -- we could start at the beginning, where he got into Yale through his daddy's influence, made lousy grades that would have gotten anyone else kicked out,

From you, I'd even take a partial fact......let me know when ones coming, would you?  Lousy grades.....they were higher than John Kerry's so where does that put him.....kicked out?     GW has an MBA from you?? 

was given position as president of a couple of savings and loans that were failing due to deregulaton (killed off the savings and loans), went down to Venezuela and with hisdaay's influence, "persuaded" the government there to contract with his daddy's friend to run an oil pipeline.

Was this from one of the motherjones, or lying socialist weasel, leftist sites?

then got into the Texas Governor's seat because Anne Richards got drunk and disparaged Mexican-Americans (bad group to alienate in Texas) (Texas governor is just a figurehead position anyway), barely won the 2000 election with the help of his brother's minions in Florida, and a spurious split Supreme Court decision. add these up and see what kind of a man you come up with.

Finally, we get to the heart of the matter....the Florida election mess......ROTFLMAO.......Xeno, you're going to have to let it go, man.   It's eating away at the very heart of your persona.

There has never been anything this man could do short of resigning to appease you and your brethren.  What kind of man do I come up with?   Better get yourself a plastic bag......

A God-respecting and fearing man that has the strength of his convictions to do what is right in spite of the verbal excrement thrown at him by you and your kind......A man that doesn't check the morning polls to see if he should wear boxers or briefs, what buzzwords are in the current vogue, or the name of the next female victim.

A man that relates to the mainstream that is willing  to do the hard work necessary, without playing the games so prevalent inside the beltway.

I laugh when reading the left's comments and claims.......and you still got him for about 3.1 more years.  The question is...... in that time period,  which of us will be closer to getting an ulcer from that that little tidbit of reality...........LOL

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 28, 2005 at 4:02 PM | link to this | reply

corbin my friend
everything Bushie has was a direct result of his daddy's influence.
He got into the Air National Guard to GET OUT OF SERVING in Vietnam. erved no active duty. was almost a less than mediocre pilot, flew his daddy's friends aroiund on munkets.
here we go again -- stating partial facts -- just what makes your boy look good.
Bushie -- well -- we could start at the beginning, where he got into Yale through his daddy's influence, made lousy grades that would have gotten anyone else kicked out, was given position as president of a couple of savings and loans that were failing due to deregulaton (killed off the savings and loans), went down to Venezuela and with hisdaay's influence, "persuaded" the government there to contract with his daddy's friend to run an oil pipeline.
then got into the Texas Governor's seat because Anne Richards got drunk and disparaged Mexican-Americans (bad group to alienate in Texas) (Texas governor is just a figurehead position anyway), barely won the 2000 election with the help of his brother's minions in Florida, and a spurious split Supreme Court decision.
add these up and see what kind of a man you come up with.

posted by Xeno-x on November 28, 2005 at 8:31 AM | link to this | reply


As you may also be wrong.......The President was a pilot in the Texas National Guard........can you fly a jet?  I can't either....but he didn't get those wings by correspondence classes.  Nice arrempt to deflect from the fact that some bloggers here, day in and day out, spew forth their venom towards this country and it's President.

Worse than that, it's the same tired old song.......stuck in a loop.........


posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 27, 2005 at 11:48 AM | link to this | reply

Corbin -if I may be so bold as
to reply to your comment on Xeno's post, I find it terribly ironic, let me quote you, "You're not one of those like Bin Laden or al-Zarqawi......someone that would expect others to go and give their all while they sit back and do a body count, or in this case arrest count???"

You could easily add after al-Zarqawi, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the neo con gang who never wore a uniform yet have no problem "expecting others to go while they sit back..." except Bush and the neo cons don't want us to be doing any body counts, so I doubt they bother themselves with the deaths of only 2,000+ young Americans.

posted by Cynthia on November 27, 2005 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply


I never heard from you.......

Are you going down to Texas and join Cindy?

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 27, 2005 at 6:04 AM | link to this | reply

I've never understood this idea where one point of view is unpatriotic. By denying people the right to express themselves goes against all democratic principles. People protest because they care - they care very much.

I think that you are right that sometimes people all need to stand up to be counted in order to make redundant bad policy or bad laws.

In this case it might be helpful to protest against the new rules and distance it from the Sheehan issue.

posted by Azur on November 26, 2005 at 3:15 PM | link to this | reply

the sign thing went all the way to the Supreme Court -- a local person in the City of Ladue in this area -- during Bush Sr.'s war (91) -- she was allowed to keep your sign. You should check the Suprme Court records for the case. Per that, you can have the sign -- just find the case and print it our and refer to it. It's your constitutional right.

posted by Xeno-x on November 26, 2005 at 3:08 PM | link to this | reply

Xeno - I saw that story and found it un-American that not only camping
but specifically protesting has been outlawed within 7 miles of the ranch.  Speaking un-American, I want to put up an anti-war sign in my yard but the neighborhood association won't allow it.

posted by FreeManWalking on November 26, 2005 at 10:30 AM | link to this | reply

Now there's an interesting comparison . . .

. . . the Sheehanites to Thoreau. Not entirely sure it's a legitimate comparison. Civil disobedience in the form of nonviolent resistance I have no problem with. Behaving like idiots by doing such things as using public waterways (the ditches) and private property as latrines, is another matter. As is using civil disobedience to encourage our enemy in a time of war.

posted by WriterofLight on November 25, 2005 at 8:38 PM | link to this | reply

When are you headed down?    You surely are going aren't you?  You're not one of those like Bin Laden or al-Zarqawi......someone that would expect others to go and give their all while they sit back and do a body count, or in this case  arrest count???

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 25, 2005 at 2:59 PM | link to this | reply

xeno, I object, on a politically correct basis, the use of the term ex
post fatso...

posted by kingmi on November 25, 2005 at 9:36 AM | link to this | reply