Member Profile for FreeManWalking


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Member Since:

January 8, 2004
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Poems of a Free Man - Jan 30, 2012
On Realizing When A Girl Has Made Up Her Mind There Is No Chance Left - ...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 1017

Thoughts Of A Free Man - Jan 6, 2012
The Iceman Cometh - A Review - I read the Iceman Cometh at the suggestion...
Nonfiction - Popularity rank: 1044

The Freeman's Guide To Religion - Jan 20, 2007
A Book of Salvation - “To say the Bible is a book of lies is an inaccurate...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 4859

A Freeman's Guide To History - Dec 12, 2006
Rediscovering the Tennessean In Your Pocket - I’m reading H.W. Brands...
Education - Popularity rank: 4906