Member Profile for Azur


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

May 21, 2004
Contact: Send E-mail
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and referral bonuses)
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The Impossibility Of Knowing - Oct 5, 2012
It's been a while between posts... - What have you done since March? What...
Nonfiction - Popularity rank: 894

Unsaid (letters un/sent long ago or since) - Aug 25, 2009
Relationships - Popularity rank: 1916

The Bleedingly Obvious - Sep 7, 2006
Sometimes We Are Too Quick To Be Quick
Self-Help - Popularity rank: 5047

SCHOOL'S OUT - Aug 28, 2006
She Cheated On H......
Education - Popularity rank: 5056

Headlines For UnWritten Blogs - Apr 28, 2006
Pulitzer Prize For Blogging Announced
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 5152

Azur's Musings & Missives - Feb 15, 2006
Don't You Just Love It When....?..
On Writing - Popularity rank: 5211