Starr4all's rants on touchy issues

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Jeb Bush grasping at straws.

Ole Jeb just made an announcement that she may have been misdiagnosed that she isn't conscience, blah blah blah. It just sounds like they are doing everything possible to stop Terry from finally getting some peace. They are desperate. So now they "claim" misdiagnoses. This frustrates me to know end.... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 12:24 PM Comments (0) (link)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Florida and Palmetto bugs

One thing I'm not going to miss when we move to Utah is the Palmetto bugs (i.e. cockroaches)! They're everywhere. I about died from a heartattack last night. I went to the kitchen in the middle of the night and I saw one. Now, first of all I hate it because my house is clean (a little cluttered but... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 1:55 PM Comments (0) (link)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Just a couple of personal things....

I'm glad to see Blogit finally add the part where we can see that people are looking at our work. I've been hoping they would do that for a while. They do it while I've been absent though. Go figure. I'm so tired that I've found myself falling asleep at the computer. I've been falling asleep about 3... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 8:30 AM Comments (1) (link)

Friday, January 28, 2005

Gambler Sues MGM Mirage

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS! DON’T BLAME OTHERS FOR YOUR PROBLEMS! This is getting ridiculous! Our society has become a “blame everyone else for our problems” society. Gambler Sues MGM Mirage, Says Preyed on Addiction LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 11:27 AM Comments (0) (link)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Taking A Child Out Of A Happy Home--Is This Right?

I just heard on the news that there is a couple that had to give back the child (3 yr old) they had been raising since birth. How the birth mother said it was a long battle. How the child is much better and happier with her. From the reaction of the child on tape I would think the child is worse off... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 9:02 AM Comments (0) (link)

Friday, January 14, 2005

The military and W-2's

So, to get my husbands W-2 I have to go on this military webpage to get it. I go on because they're supposed to be online today. The W-2's are posted, for 2003! I found out that earlier today the 2004's were online but somewho they were dropped and now 2003 are being shown! And he won't be getting a... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 6:04 PM Comments (3) (link)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Several Killed as U.S. Bombs Wrong Target in Iraq

Well, there we go again. Giving other countries more ammo against us. I know accidents happen, and I don’t have an answer or how to improve this situation. I’m just sad for those innocent people getting killed. It’s a case of he said she said. The Iraqis say innocent people are killed and the US... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 1:13 PM Comments (2) (link)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Let's separate the girls from the boys....not!

I just watched on our local news that a local middle school principle has decided to segregate the kids according to sex. So now, in his school (from what it sounds like) the boys and girls are separated on the playground, lunch, etc. The kids are protesting it and some of the parents as well. The... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 6:50 PM Comments (0) (link)

Saturday, January 8, 2005

Do boot camps and the like really work?

You see on shows like Maury, Montell, Ricky, etc. Many girls and boys going through boot camp, days/nights in jail and things like that. I wonder if they actually work or not? Also, I was wondering, you see all these kids that are horrible! I mean the girls who are sleeping around, drinking, doing... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 11:53 AM Comments (1) (link)

Friday, January 7, 2005

Where has the sanctity of marriage gone?

I watch TV, listen to the radio, and read magazines/newspapers. You keep hearing about people just meeting and within a short time marrying each other and then within a short time getting divorced. (Right now I’m only talking about stars, musicians, writers, models, people in the media.) There’s the... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 12:49 PM Comments (0) (link)

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