Starr4all's rants on touchy issues

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Friday, December 12, 2008

What ever happened to having an unbiased media?

Is it too much to ask that the media today try to keep their leanings out of the news? I have to watch several channels worth of news or programs to get a somewhat picture of the news. I end up watching MSNBC, CNN, and Fox news. I am a registered democrat. I am a former far left liberal. As I've... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 5:30 AM Comments (1) (link)

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Dental Costs are outrageous!

I went to the dentist today because a broken tooth of mine was bothering me. I find out that I'm going to have to get a root canal and a cap on it. The bad part is it costs $1600.00! What the heck? I can't believe it! The only good thing is our military insurance will pay for 60% of it which means... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 4:47 PM Comments (1) (link)

Friday, July 29, 2005

Your job doesn't make you who you are!

Let me put it this way. Just because someone is a firefighter doesn't mean that person is a good guy. A hero's job but not necessarily a nice person. Case in point. On Big Brother they had (thank god he was booted!) this guy who was a firefighter ( ) who wasn't a very good person ( ). People tried... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 12:52 PM Comments (1) (link)

Monday, May 23, 2005


I usually get updates to urban legends web page. And this came up today. I tried it out and it had my maiden name in it and my hubbys name. So watch out! Zabasearch Claim: Your personal information can be obtained through the web site. Status: True. Example: [Collected on the... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 8:21 AM Comments (3) (link)

Monday, May 9, 2005

'Osbournes' star Kelly Osbourne blames drug habit on bad genes

Blaming your genes for what you do? Come on! That’s like saying “my dad killed people, so it’s okay if I do it. It’s my fathers genes that caused it!” Get real! I can see her maybe blaming her childhood but grow up and take responsibility for your own actions! You’re an adult! 'Osbournes' star Kelly... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 9:12 AM Comments (0) (link)

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Will Smith has lessened in my eyes.

I've always liked Will Smith because he wasn't this hardcore gangsta rapper and seemed to be this overall positive guy. Well, one of my favorite talks shows is the Larry Elder show. I guess in one of Will Smith's new songs he calls Larry Elder an "Uncle Tom". And he went on david letterman or jay... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 9:12 AM Comments (0) (link)

Monday, April 11, 2005


Ever have a song running through your head all day and you can't seem to get rid of it? I do right now. Its "cold" from cross fade. I've had this song running through my head for two days now! Make it stop! Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 2:52 PM Comments (1) (link)

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Law Expands Right to Kill in Self-Defense

All I can say is that I foresee this causing quite a few problems and deaths. I do believe you have a right to defend yourself but I think people will use that as an excuse to hurt someone. “Oh officer, he was threatening me and I had to defend myself” by shooting the man 10 times. (An example of... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 1:06 PM Comments (0) (link)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ex-Boy Scout Official Pleads Guilty to Child Porn

It's because of people like this that I'm thinking of NOT allowing either of my boys to get involved in Boy Scouts! This is crazy! Ex-Boy Scout Official Pleads Guilty to Child Porn By Wayne Epperson FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) - A former high-ranking Boy Scouts of America official who led a task... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 12:52 PM Comments (2) (link)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Update to 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode

Thank goodness the justice system sometimes works! The Judge threw this case out and said it was frivolous! I'd hate to think of the precedence this case could have caused. Repost Wednesday, January 5, 2005 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode I read this and new right away that I had to... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by starr4all at 12:50 PM Comments (3) (link)

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