poems by a bashful guy

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

wow im bout to b twenty o-n-e im on the verge of insanity i dont know how much more i can take from here on out gotta rely on my faith i still feel like a young buck playing with my playmobile truck where does the time go ill never know Sign in to see full entry.

haha i jus laugh now not a social one i rarely go out my sis says that im boring haha hope i dont make her start snoring next time we kick a convo but for real tho i know i aint a wild child being crazy jus aint my style instead of chatting id rather smile and work on my future awhile whatever that... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

seems like things done changed sadly things will never b the same i wish there was a rewind button in this game that we call life unfortunately there is no such type but everything happens for a reason and you gotta continue believing that God has the best in store and b content with what you have... Sign in to see full entry.

i look up at the stars Lord i know youre not far i feel You in the wind ive come to repent for my sins and give thanks for everything its like im living a dream with a dad who brings home hella cream and a moms who makes my life so serene i dont know why i got it so good i coulda been raised in the... Sign in to see full entry.

bout to b thanksgiving and really im jus thankful to b living and for all the opportunities ive been given so far it has been a fun life mission a lady in my life is all im missing one day i envision breaking bread with her in the kitchen until then im wishing but dont b trippin im in a great... Sign in to see full entry.

everydays a blessing aint no need to b stressing i got no reason to b upset considering i got it better than the rest i thank God that im so blessed and for all the gifts that millions can only dream for and wish im pissed... cuz everyone should get to live like this having anything they want at... Sign in to see full entry.

feelin tested and reflectin on what has transpired to date (11/13/05)

big surprise...my hands is dry this body of mine i despise only good thing bout it is my eyes the last 3 years i cant describe anger and rage have built inside between my mind and body a divide started with a red mark (acne) then the oil production sparked and inside i was growing increasingly dark... Sign in to see full entry.

jus so my mom knew how i felt

i jus wanna say thank you madre ive been blessed to have you in my life everyday you always make things right and give me the hope i need lost and confused without you i would b indeed there is no one else who compares to you and i know you dont always let your feelings show through but i can... Sign in to see full entry.

Father im a sinner i know i aint livin right i need to stop worrying about whats for dinner and put my focus on You at night and all throughout the day You who provides me with strength to stay on the path and not sway You have dealt with my issues for a great length i need to get on my knees and... Sign in to see full entry.

im blessed in so many ways with my vision able to experience another beautiful day im blessed i got a great family and to my knowledge im enemy free im blessed what else could i ask for in this world well maybe just my dream girl Sign in to see full entry.

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