Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich. for Tuesday, December 22, 2009

By northsage_45 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Everything Else

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This was sent to me by a Republican friend.How SLANDEROUS! I have friends!

I think this just about sums it up!!!! I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table..... Sign in to see full entry.

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