Life and Memories: One Month to Live Challenge

By mariposa75 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Journal

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One Month to Live Challenge

A new day is beginning. I actually got up at 6:00, which is not me. But I woke up, and thought of how much extra time I would have. Greg and I actually spent a few minutes together. He is a morning person and that is his best time. I decided to log on to the website about one month to live, which I will put at the end. I didn't realize it was a nation wide "movement". Even though it is an organized thing that somebody thought up, I think it's very good and maybe could even change a persons'... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: 8 minutes to write - New Entries - Next: What I believe (some anyway)

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