Life and Memories for Friday, December 11, 2009

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Trivia of the day

Work went great tonight. I was able to get everything done in 3 1/2 hours. (I think it took me 4 or 5 last Friday). I am not writing down each room (how long it takes) At first I did, so I knew, but it takes too long to write it all down. It was good though, to start out doing it. The van started every time, all day. Tomorrow morning will be the test, because the "first start" is the hardest. I need to buy some bag balm, or Burts hand salve tomorrow. The weather is dry here and my hands are in... Sign in to see full entry.

Candy from Mexico

Life is so much easier when you have a car to drive. Today, after the watchman worked on it a little, it started every time. I still think I will start walking more though, (when it warms up). It should save a lot of gas, as I have to warm up the vehicle for 5 minutes every morning. Both cleaning jobs went well. Now I have 1/2 hour, then I clean across the street, hoping I can get it done in 4 hours and not 6. Just heard from Mexico. I gave him an order for Mexican candy, (for gifts). I don't... Sign in to see full entry.

Help with my van

I should be at work now, but since I pick my own hours for house cleaning I'm poking around. I slept in till 9:00. Last night at work the night watchman said he would look at my van. He came by this morning and got it started. (He jumped it). He didn't think it was the starter. He said it could be a lot of things, but probably is a loose belt, so the battery runs down easier. That solves my problem for today. It should start now. I think I'm going to read a little, finish my coffee and get to... Sign in to see full entry.

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