Life and Memories for Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Writing at Starbucks

I made it through the day. I was able to get a 1 hour nap today. Finally, I had a short night at work, only 2 1/2 hours, which is good at this time. I basically only did the garbage cans, some vacuuming and the bathrooms. No more windows until it warms up. I went to a womens' Bible study this a.m. It was really good. We mainly visited, took prayer requests and prayed for people. Some of these older women I met when I was only 20, and now we are all 30 years older. They seemed old back then. Then... Sign in to see full entry.

I'm hanging in there...

I am waiting for it to warm up a tiny bit so I can try to start our old van again. Yesterday it didn't start in the morning. Then the battery ran down after turning it over about 4 times. I walked to work, about 10-15 minutes away. It was about 15 degrees F. But, I enjoyed the walk on the way home after work. I like taking photos of railroad tracks. It's fun to stand right in the middle and take them (when you know a train isn't coming). Later on, a friend came over, went to the gas station for... Sign in to see full entry.

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