Life and Memories for Thursday, December 10, 2009

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is a good story?

I just got done reading a chapter of the book I'm reading. By the end of it, I had tears in my eyes. It's the kind of book that is deep and gets to the heart of things. It makes you think about your life. There are things about the authors life I do not agree with, but he has the right heart. In the book the author and his friend went to a seminar on what Story is. It was 36 hours long and after it was all over his friend summed it up in one sentence, a good story is: "A character who wants... Sign in to see full entry.

How to save money...

Walk! It is one of those "take a day at a time" weeks. This morning my husbands work van (which I am using right now) would not start. It has a new battery, so I'm guessing it's the starter. But, I am going to hook it up to the battery charger anyway, as it may have run it down some trying to start it. I got most everything else on my list checked off. I was going to take my vacuum cleaner in to get it checked out, cause it has a rattling sound. Tonight and tomorrow I can walk to all my jobs. I... Sign in to see full entry.

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