Hot and Cold from Me and You

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Singing Sandman, Great Balls of Fire, Twist and Shout on the drive home

Well, before I answer my comments, and thanks to you all for reading and leaving nice comments even when I can't be here to respond -- but before I do that or even before I post my serenity blog, let me explain what has been going on around here. We had one daughter in a wedding. The one who... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Today after school I was stopped in the hall by that boy who was timed out in my room last Friday afternoon during the all-school celebration. He was the one who declined the easy math worksheet and through his drawings inspired a poem. He said, "Mr. King, I wanted to show my friend the picture I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

It just gets Better. She's torn Her Achilles Tendon

Oh yes. Fun, fun, fun. After a night at the ER, she had to be taken to the local docs (all ladies) to have the cast removed, replaced, and a new diagnosis of torn achilles' tendon. 6 weeks minimum on crutches. I can honestly say that I feel sad for her. I know how I felt at that age after having... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

BTW, My Idea Was Accepted at My School.

Last night I stayed up till after one o'clock watching a police movie with Caitlin's boyfriend. He's recently home from the marine recruit boot camp, kind of down in the dumps and looking for something he can be successful at excepting the butcher shop in Fareway. I think the local police academy... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 11, 2005

To Step into That Position would be a Career-ender

OK, well, this has to be a quickie (no that is not an egg, milk and cheese dish, they spell that quiche). I just got home from work and I have to go immediately to band practice. You are not going to believe what is happening. I just found out that at the school where I was previous to my current... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

In April You Tell Them They Are Going to be Happy for the Rest of the Year

My new school, my second year there, is not the inner-city school where I spent my first eighteen years in Des Moines. In fact, it is two areas to the east. The school in between is affluent. Our demographic, although majority in nature, is not. We have had some positive developments in the last few... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Worth More than A Thousand Page Views or Two Thousand Dollars

I got to worrying today. Last night I had written a post about my 16 year-old. How she was poised to continue her education with a flare. Now both my kids have always been very emotional, as all the kingmi's are, and susceptible to sibling rivalry (don't get me started). I was worried that my... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Why I Wanted Her in the School District Six Miles North of Here!

My sixteen year-old high school-aged daughter approached me tonight after dinner. She had her PLAN scores (similar to SAT's). She scored a 99th percentile in math. The recommendation was for a vocation in disease diagnosis and prescription. My dreams have come true. She wants to be a doctor, but... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Savage Inequalities: The Differences in American School Districts

Everyone who cared to read about my saga with the excellent school district just six miles north of where I live. We have had our kids attending there for some nine years, due to divorce. Suddenly they want open enrollment papers signed for both kids. Well, long story short, we got it done, and our... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 4, 2005

ChellyBelly Should Give John Grisham a Run for Some of the Money

OK, well, as frequently happens to us, I am indisposed. My other glasses are upstairs, the kids have friends over and I'm not going up there. So I cannot do any of my blogs that require me to read anything. All I can do is type. So, as Truman Capote said, this isn't writing, this is typing. I just... Sign in to see full entry.

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