Hot and Cold from Me and You

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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Find Something that Heals your Heart, and Practice it Every Day.

I called my mother today. We spoke for half an hour and it made me feel good to know that she is on the mend. She gave us such a scare. Just having one is a blessing. The value of motherhood cannot be understressed, not alone in building a family, but in building a nation, and in passing this... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

mysteria -- You are an angel and a suffering, brilliant child! Part two.

Do I bury myself in the social work and academic needs of minority and poverty children (as I have done these past 25 years) to hide form noteriety? To avoid the spotlight? To give back to the public what I have taken? I think all these things are right on. But I also feel that perhaps it might be... Sign in to see full entry.

Tis my calling to give in the greatest ways on a global scale --mysteria

mysteria, As always you have plucked my heartstrings as well as tickled my mind. During school this week I had been thinking about this comment you made on my YHT blog. I think I understand what you are saying here, and I believe it applies to me. Why do I feel the need to give on this global scale?... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Stand up and Shake the Hand of Someone that You Can't Stand!

We have some racial haranguing going on between the Africans and the Mexicans and the Whites. They are experimenting and exploring with power by numbers, convincing one another to fight at school. Of course they adopt their attitudes from the adults, but it doesn't help knowing that. We called the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"I thought some of you were flunking this class?"

Well, we had a fantastic day. Several more students added either corrected essays, spelling word lists, or combined spelling lists and compositions. Students were very happy to be published in this way. We hope that we have not violated anyone's trust in any way, and hope that we can continue this... Sign in to see full entry.

Student Publication is at once its own Reward and Incentive.

Today many new students will be posting their spelling work for the week. Also, look for Scott P. to have his composition entitled "My Favorite Story" revised. Actually, all he needs to make it more intelligible is capitals and punctuation. This kind of real-time production cannot be replicated by... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Like Christmas Morning with your First-born Child.

Well, by command performance, and because I have thirty minutes to kill before I pick up Chelsea, I will make a few comments about how the spelling on Blogit! is going. The faces on these children have taken on that new school year look. Think back to your first Christmas morning with your... Sign in to see full entry.

Thanks for One Thousand Page Views in PROMOTE KARL ROVE!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patronage and patience in my new "Promote Carl Rove" blog. However, only 17 page views have been recorded to date. Ergo, post hoc, ipso fatso, there is no need to continue this blog. I'm giving it up to the gods as sacrrifice. Also,... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 18, 2005

student virginia perez my spell ing list

1. Redouble 2. Recommend 3. Deserve 4. Depart 5. Adjoin 6. Administer 7. Exact 8. Exclaim 9. Indent 10. Install 11. Conquest 12. Consequence 13. Suburban 14. Subdivision 15. Prediction 16. Precaution 17. Percent 18. perform 19. Propose 20. Prolong REDOUBLE= to increase greatly, to double again... Sign in to see full entry.

I have nine weeks to work and then I get a nine week vacation!

OK, everybody. Today's the day! My class will post anything from spelling lists to journal entries to sentences using spelling words. Please feel free to ignore any work that has the word "STUDENT" in the title. If anyone objects to this use of my blogspace please pipe up! My goal is to let children... Sign in to see full entry.

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