Religion in the Modern World

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Painful to write - painful to read - I must lack the literary skills???

Sometimes I wonder why I bother, then other times I know I must make the effort. If I do not, if I become complacent and wallow in my comparatively affluent existence, it is a certainty that attititudes I am not comfortable with, that I cannot live with in good conscience, may become prevalent... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So what is going to save this world we live in if not religion ??

Well to begin with let us establish once and for all that religion, generally speaking, is more the cause of our problems as a species than it is the cure. Back in the days when the far corners of the globe were yet to be conquered, existed the one window of oppurtunity to unite the globe under the... Sign in to see full entry.

Scary revivalist dude goes on TV to lie to everyone in the name of God

I think a sure sign that someone has an overblown ego is when they begin referring to themselves in the third person. You can be absolutely certain that their feet are leaving the ground when they begin saying that everything they do is guided by and approved by God. It's not the guidance part that... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Hi, I'm a dopey believer and I'm better than you simply because I believe

Never mind that I'm crazy as a loon. Never mind that I used to lie, cheat and steal. Never mind that I used to do drugs and have been divorced 3 times because of my addictions. I'm a better person than you because I believe. That was the first thing that came into my mind last night flipping through... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Deluded Bliss is Bliss nonetheless

......this was a throw away line waiting to become a blog title. I've probably used this sentence 871 million times in my life, though admittedly just an estimate, the real number of times I have uttered these words is up there somewhere. It has a direct correlation with the number of times someone... Sign in to see full entry.

Emails from Satan? ---- geez maybe he is real ?????

Awhile back I received an email from a fellow blogger. This was the entire content of the email: “The greatest thing that Satan ever did was convince people that he was not real.” What do you say to someone such as this? Yeah, I saw the movie "The Usual Suspects" as well, yeah Kevin Spacey as... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Even the rednecks are in agreement that gay marriage is a "good thing"

As in a good thing to take off of the national discussion plate. Remove it from the headlines, it's done and over with and it is time to move onto more pressing issues. Like the NHL hockey league resuming play next season. You know,...... important stuff. That is how we collectively feel about the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Gay marriage question is settled in Canada and the Vatican can go to hell

Yeah that's right, the Catholic church can go take a flying leap off of a tall building for all of the meddling they have done concerning this issue. You Christian protest marchers can kiss our Canadian asses as well and I am not alone in the heterosexual community as one who feels this way. But... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Martin Luther - the only true protestant leader with a worthy cause

One of the times my loony tune bible thumping in-laws had dragged me to church under the pressures of family obligations, we surprisingly arrived not at the venerable old church building that I had been dragged to before but to a high school gymnasium. It seems they had broken away from their... Sign in to see full entry.

Clarifying that the concept of intelligent design is bad science

Can you think of one other investigative field or research subject matter where almost everyone on this planet has an emotional stake such as they do with religion? Simply, there does not exist another singular influencing factor in which everyone involved is likely to have had their thought... Sign in to see full entry.

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