Religion in the Modern World

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Thursday, August 4, 2005

More on raising children without Christianity - some of the realities

In the last 2 postings I covered some of the antics of those around me when I made it clear that my children were not going to be raised with any form of Christian influence. My side of the family lobbied for Catholicism while the born again in laws wanted to spray my kids with Jesus juice. For the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Raising children without Christianity - and fighting off the bible thumpers

As an extension to yesterday's posting where I stated that I refused to expose my children, when they were very young, to Christian dogma, the question is begged......what replaces it? I feel I have an advantage over most people born in North America in that I look at Christian dogma objectively. So... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

So what is appropriate behaviour for telling others about your faith?

Where should the lines be drawn? For me the line is when another individual opens their mouth, from that point on they have to prove to me that they are not just another idiot mouthing a worn out and ever redundant message. These days I allow so few people to get past this point. If I did not cut... Sign in to see full entry.

Christian athletes -- the humour of some people's beliefs

Last night on TV we were treated to an interview of a number of prominent professional athletes, (6 persons in total) who were intent on convincing anyone who would listen that Jesus was responsible for their success in the world of sport. The mindset that produces this type of thought process is... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Moslem religious law to be imposed by Canadian courts !!!!

I TOOK THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAGHS FROM A WEBSITE ENTITLED "VIEW FROM THE RIGHT"...That would be the American right as the authors are American citizens. Ignore my blog headline. I was just mimicking them. Sharia to be enforced by Canadian courts " The former nation of Canada seems to be moving toward... Sign in to see full entry.

Looking at life through a pair of "God Fan Club Special Edition" glasses.

These glasses would of course be rose coloured, to distort reality as much as possible. All the better to see what one wants to see instead of what really exists. The funny part of all of this is that people wearing such glasses say things like this: "....and open your eyes..." This would assume... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Some Christians I have simply had my fill of --- yet another knucklehead

decides to tell me how offensive they find my postings and what a piece of human refuse I am. Yep that's me, dirt, slime and refuse. Something that can be said of anyone in a comparative sense...but if I am human refuse, where does that put the person hurling this insult? Aside from having an eye... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

After discussing incest we are left with polygamy

Where incest has remained a societal taboo for a number of practical or tangible reasons as well as a host of intangibles, which include the sacred trust amongst family members, the same cannot be said of polygamy or it's inverse in polyandry (woman with more than one husband). Applying pragmatic... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Incest --- Blogit members manage to shock me yet again

I was certain that I would never run into a realization or issue that would compare to when I first arrived on Blogit to find this blogging site festering with fundamentalists. In living a life surrounded by comparitively affluent and very progressive thinking people I had somehow become isolated to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

From Mightyholywarrior to the venerable empty_handed_painter

A couple of hours ago I received the following comment from empty_handed_painter (EHP). My response to points he is making is in blue text. the comparison between gays and blacks is very common nowadays EHP: so mightyholywarrior is off track in saying "how dare you" To clarify what I was actually... Sign in to see full entry.

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