Reminders of Luminescence

By cripfemme - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Everything Else

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"My name is Malcolm. I'm 7 years old. I'm sending you this money because I don't think it's fair that gay people are not treated equally." According to an e-mail from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in this morning the note we received recently with a donation from Malcolm after his grandmother gave... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Man I Don't Know

People who read my blogs regularly know 2 things. One is that I regularly complain about able-bodied men and their wayward behavior and two is that I have written in this blog in a long time. I don't even know this guy's name, but he helped me out today when I thought food stamps paid for pre-made... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Good Happenings!

Just when I thought the world was totally dark and horrid in the last days of the Bush regime, I had to smile when I got this happy news. Jocelyne Voltaire, a mother who lost her oldest son in the Iraq war and was about to lose her house due to predatory lending, got to keep her house thanks to... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Read this - What a nice guy

Today I discovered that I truly still believe in the power of romance. My PCA's boyfriend bought her roses and girl scout cookies to my house where she was working. She wasn't even expecting him to come over, he just called her cell phone randomly from my parking lot. It was so sweet, he is so nice.... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I met Izzy today. She's a nice, cute (even if she is 20 and that's a little wrong of me to think, being as I'm 31), economics and French major from Mount Holyoke College. who is orginally from Hong Kong. She brought a total stranger (me) dinner today, because she didn't want to go back out in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Mytri is Free!

According to the latest issue of Incitment (ADAPT's newsletter) my Phillipina friend Mytri Campbell from Delaware is living in her own house with personal care assistance instead of in the Mary Campbell nursing home! After a week of learning really depressing facts at the Center for Popular... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Thanks Blogit!

Many of you may know that I have been quite ill this summer, which is unusual for me even though I’m disabled. I am unable to go out very much or even stay up all day without taking a nap. These days, I’m getting better and I’m happy about that but it’s a slow process, taking most of the past month.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Thoughts on the Gloria Steinem Leadership Institute

Despite being ardently pro-choice I often feel like the reproductive justice community does not have a space for me- as a person of color, as a bisexual, as a younger women, or as a person with a disability in particular. Many pro-choicers refuse to acknowledge the eugenic ideology that motivated... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

And We're Gonna Get Married, Too!

Yesterday, for the first time in a while, I smiled a real smile. For a few hours, I wasn’t thinking about the war, corporate takeover of the country, and/or other horrifying matters. I was throwing rice, cheering, and clapping in front of my local city hall beneath a perfect blue sky. I sang “Going... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

For those who stand Against the Darkness

I donate a large portion of small salary from teaching, presenting, and my government disability stipend to progressive organizations and impoverished friends. I write my Congressman in support of cancer research, AIDS education, and ending the institutional basis in long term care funding. I... Sign in to see full entry.

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