Archie's Look at the News

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Friday, March 5, 2004

Bush Using 9/11 footage for campaign

There are many things that have happened since 9/11/01, ignited by that infamous attack on New York City. Now footage is being used in political ads. I see no problem with that, and the people who are complaining are those who would have done nothing to defend our country after 9/11, as Mr. Bush did. He took charge and got everything moving toward a more secure nation, as he was supposed to do. We need to be reminded about this event and about the leadership role taken by President Bush. Voters... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 4, 2004

The Drunkard's Relatives are Angry!

This story was hard to believe. A local DUI driver killed a teenager when he drunkenly ran a red light and then ran off into the night. He was caught. In the past ten years, he has amassed more than 60 traffic infractions, most of them alcohol related. He received 14 years in one court and 10 extra in another. His relatives claim it was not fair to bring in his past driving record! I'd say the man should have gotten more, but perhpas the 24 years or so in prison will bring him out of his drunken... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

FUBAR at GA Theater Showing Gibson Movie

Apparently the number 666 is on tickets at a theater showing The Passion of the Christ in Georgia. The following link takes you to the story: Theater Ticket FUBAR Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

What the Heck is Michael Jackson Doing

at a Wal*Mart? I heard he was in one wearing a ski mask and someone recognized him, causing a rukus. I'm afraid the stories of his financial difficulties is true if he is now shopping Wal*Mart. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Weird Story of a Lady while Watching

The Passion of the Christ. Seems she had a heart attack during the crucifiction scene. I wonder how many people die in theaters while watching movies. There will surely be legends about this particular movie because of it's supposed spititual aspects. Sign in to see full entry.

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