Exposing of K.D.'s Soul-Poetry

By Storm1973 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Morning After Shame-10-30-08/1:30am

The sun sure seems bright this morning, Still I feel a chill that cutss right to my bones, I walk with my head high and with a sense of purpose I don't feel deep within. I know every pair of eyes I walk past knows about my night before, A little too much Jack and a sweet talker whispering in my ear, Led me to this moment where I'm walking down the trail of morning after shame. I could make excuse for why it happened, I was a little too lonely, I was a little too blue, But when you get down to... Sign in to see full entry.

Just For Tonight-11-19-08/1:55pm

Night fall is here again and I'm so alone, Don't think I can face lying in that bed with no one to hold. I know when the sun rises I'll feel like hell again, I think that's why I'm turning to you to help me get through this all. Will you come to me? Will you let me surrender in your arms? Help me forget for a moment of the pain in my heart, Make me feel as if I'm the only one. I know that this is a lot to ask but just for tonight make me feel loved. I know you're not looking for a new love, I... Sign in to see full entry.

I Haven't Given Up-Written 4-01-09

I've been pushed down in the mud... Put down by those who claim it to be out of love... Still I haven't given up. Been told I should be grateful for all that I have... While being quick to point out what I lack. I keep hanging in there... Knowing if I don't give up I'll rise to the top... Every negative word nothing more than fuel for my drive.... Hell bent on proving those who lack faith in me wrong. Just have to maintain my faith in myself... No matter what others may think... And in time I'll... Sign in to see full entry.

Only In Her Head-Written 4-02-09/5:00am

She sits at her window Stares our four panes of glass Most see her as a lost soul that has never had a chance Uncared for Unloved Aged before her time If they only looked beyond the figure looking out the window They might be surprised at what they would learn She has a spark of a woman who has lived Danced with kings in forgein lands Won hearts of soliders who for her would lay down their lives Captured rainbows to wear as ribbons in hair spun of gold She's sung songs of love so pure that have... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Don't Want To Blow It

I had all but given up... Had no faith when it came to love... My heart shattered in pieces beyond repair... Then you came into my life and everything has changed. Everything about you makes my heart sing... Now I just hope I don't push him away... Don't want to blow it. Don't want to lose this good thing. I'll guard my heart carefully... I'll be the one who gives him his needed space... Whatever I have to do to keep the showers of heartach from raining on this parade... Want to hold on to this... Sign in to see full entry.

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