Martas poems

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It will be dark soon

I t will be dark soon, dark enough to dream and see the dream unfold and come to life; The stage is set, the actors fire up the soul, with thoughts and sounds we all have heard or seen somewhere before, but slightly different here, in the vagueness of this hot summer's night. I watch as visions of times gone by become visions of changed tomorrow's, when time and space and love shall do their dance, and say their part, out there upon this stage... for this is life's stage where things that are,... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A moon of living dreams for dreaming life...

T here is a big bright moon above the city skies, a moon of living dreams, for dreaming life a life lived in brief moments of fulfilled desire, moments that fly fast, past hates and loves, past friendships old and just began; a moon that shines on innocence and sin above minds tired and torn through things that last and those that are gone, kissing with its silver light those who die and those who are born and below it, below that bright shinning moon, smiles and tears that don't make sense... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who knew?

The sky outside is filled with stars swimming in the warmth of this early autumn's night. The trees look on, majesticly holding their ground, their leaves trembling in anticipation of their fall and the romantic rushing of the waves murmurs to the wind as it always has, the ocean's ancient song, a song that sings of mermaids and things unknown of haunting loves and epic storms, a song natives swear once you hear you become part of... A soft wind blows from the North and I wonder... is it the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My love...

I want you to understand, but how am I to tell you? How am I to explain how empty the streets crowded with cars are, how lonely I am in the multitudes outside, how sad are all those smiles that mean well, but know nothing of my hell. I have tried to fill my heart with the noises of life but silence is all my aching soul now wants There is no joy left in the sunsets that through tears I watch disappear into the night, or in the coldness of the waves that kiss my feet as I walk down the shore at... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have a secret

I can sit by you as if you were not there, you can pass by me and I will not turn around, I can speak of what was without pain or regret, but I cannot forget I can look into your eyes while I keep talking keep up with conversation without missing a word. I can even say your name as if we had never met, but I cannot forget I can shake your hand and mine would not tremble and I can see you with her without even a sigh. I can go through my days smiling and not even try to call you, or see you, or... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One hundred years

I lay here on my bed looking at your face. I know it so well, your roman nose, your fleshy mouth, your dark hair... and though I don't know your name there are so many things about you that I can tell by the way you sit there looking straight at me with those gypsy eyes full of fire and dare, those eyes that don't play fair for they hide behind the shadows of their lashes as if they knew they were the windows to your soul. I see it all in that face I know so well, that face that in my dreams I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The poet

H e worked hard, every day always for others, and for a small pay. Sometimes at night, to survive in a world that did not understand he sang old sweet and sad songs strolling through the tables of small dives, smiling at young ladies of sixty five. Most liked him, but thought he was not much, to them he was just another struggling man, and as such he was part of the crowd in which he got lost. But when he got home tired and spent, finally alone... a transformation would take place as he... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fate is not as bleak as it seems

There is no mystery in the flight of the smoke that climbs so high among the clouds filling with doom the vivid blue of the sky that so reminds me of you, or in the fact that my heart bleeds as if cut with a knife whenever hope leaves. But, there is mystery in life... in what makes us want more and keeps us trying to thrive There is mystery in what helps us forget the thunder's roar when we see a bird over the rainbow fly and suddenly disappear into a rain torn sky I, that have sat by the sea... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The wise leaf

A leaf floats slowly, in the warm sunset glow, falling ever so gently towards the wet, fertile soil, and as it drifts down, it turns gracefully in the breeze, dancing around to the music of the waves braking on the reef. Once green, now gold,. it flutters about as do my thoughts. I, as this leaf, drift along, spinning in a downwards slope, all the while dancing with fate, believing without knowing, leaving dreams above me as I dive into the world, looking, searching, but never finding the reason... Sign in to see full entry.

Life is precious...

There is only a word that can describe my sky today... glorious and the sun, so brilliant, so luminous, shinning so bright in an undescribably gorgeous canvass, it is the sun of hope... Autumn's sun which will soon bring forth its own motherly,nurturing warmth, inspiring every seed to reach out, to break through that it may listen to silence beckoning and be transformed, and life then will team around me, around you Its so good to be alive:-) Life is precious and wonderful as hheaven probably... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Justi writes in her latest bllog that "Courage requires the strength to face what you fear"... She is right... that is just what true courage is. It takes courage to face battle, whether with enemies that come to hurt you or those who lurke around waiting for you to fail...Everything we do takes courage... from the moment we are born life asks things of us we are not quite prepared to give do and some we think we are not ready to accomplish... all that requires courage, overcoming obstacles we... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 6, 2010

By the beach

I ts dark and the air is hot......there is no breeze from the sea, the white sands await in vane of the waves the cool wet kiss, and she sits there on that sand by the edge of the sea dreaming, wanting... hoping... all the while her heart just aching for him. The dark noisy clouds that earlier made the afternoon seem so sad, led the way to a dark, starless night, that weighs heavyly on her heart A sliver of a smiling moon shines weakly behind a silver cover of clouds, not bright enough to light... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The fat man

In a small restaurant off the very popular Lincoln road a few blocks from South Beach where the young and famous adore the sun, a sad fat man plays the piano for all of those who there, leisurely take the time to eat their lunch. He sits in front of the piano every day, his large body overflowing the narrow bench which with trembling legs barely supports his weight and in front of him, a Baby Grand, shinny and black with its slanted top always opened... as if it were trying to hide from the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

He was an artist

He was an artist Green as the fresh born grasses in the meadow were his eyes as they shone with the brilliance of a thousand suns When he looked at you, you felt nothing else existed but his glance and the world was yours if he said to you: "Bonne chance!" His smile had the power to seduce and enchant, White and perfect teeth contrasted with the caramel shade of h is skin and somehow, without a word, he could invite stranger's lips to smile back at him. He walked tall and erect... always looking... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 3, 2010

As I walk by the sea...

. alone except for the thought of you, I feel you in the warmth of the sun, that softly touches my skin. I see you everywhere …in the water and in its salt, in the wind that smells of a far away mysterious place and caresses my face drying my tears,,, as I think of you near complete, happy, by my side, in another time, another life. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is what her lover said to her

On a dark and starless night while he hugged her by his side softly whispering into her ear this is what her lover said: "Never doubt I've loved you never think I have strayed I know I am dying... that I am not the same Please love, help me understand Have I gone so far that I've forgotten who I am?, have I left so much of myself behind that I am barely here?. I cry myself to sleep at night when I think of all the things I never thought about at all, I try hard not to let emotion show, but... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I am...

I am... the one that likes to listen to romantic songs. The one that has live dreams but thinks of dead worlds, and that while opening all the windows has inadvertently closed doors. The one that loves the moon, daisies, ice cream and you, sighs when she sees a sunset, tries too hard to forget and enjoys watching the leaves fall when there is nothing else to do, The one that counts the stars she loves sitting alone in the dark, and walks down the streets dansing to the music of her heart. The... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The land where poets dwell

There are many places in nature that fill us with awe they capture our souls, never again letting go. among all those there is one I know too well a land of a million words, where one can walk or fly among the birds, swim in the waters of one's own birth, or float peacefully within oneself It is a province of kings, queens and poor love stricken peasants, where flowers and cute little creatures can be the forests only tenants It is a place where monsters of dark place fear into the soul, where... Sign in to see full entry.

on the beach

The sweet sent of the beach. The inviolate solitude. The marvelous quiet of the early morning on a shore that soon will be crowded with occupied towels when the clean water, still cool and sparkling from the kisses of the stars, laps at my feet and hastens the beat of my heart One moment spent there washes clean the deep, dark inward mirror of my soul. The ocean... it is truly all; its where we belong, where we came from its us. Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here in the hollow of my hand right in the center of its palm I hold a drop of water, old and sad. It could have been present when the melting of the ice cap or dug up long ago, from deep inside the earth and have been all this time resting in a well Perhaps it could have been part of ancient rains or the only survivor of a river running free that dried up way back when. It is so perfect, so round, so wet It could be dew, or a tear, or sweat... but this drop of water laying here in the center of... Sign in to see full entry.

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