Martas poems

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The sea wolf

They called him Sea Wolf, for no one knew his name, and many wondered if he was mad or sane He had light eyes, gentle smiling eyes, that sometimes seemed transparent as if they were empty after giving all their sight to the sea but other times, when provoked, those eyes would grow darker and a flash like lightning shone within them as if to let all know that though they had seen countless storms they were not afraid. When he told about his trips no one listened because more often than not he... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just like them, different from them

As the river carries within the waters of many a wild spring, so does my veins carry blood from souls that lived and loved in many different places, all over the world. Their essence enduring through the ages have sipped into my genes to make me who I am, just like them, different from them. In my face I see their faces, my heartbeat carries the echo of their hearts and when I write in my hands other hands move, foreign thoughts flowing through into the paper that before was blank. And in this... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How sadly sweet it is

How sadly sweet is the sound of that voice now silent as the memory of its whispers fills my soul, tugging so hard at my heart that I sometimes forget to breathe, forget to remember the love its words were drenched in, forget the gift that it was, the gift that it still is, Sometimes, I let myself imagine that voice I so need, that voice I so miss, still softly speaking to me... mitigating the sadness of dark nights like this, when the stars, seen through my tears, loose their shine... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 27, 2010

I am jealous of who I was

The cold wind blows outside, and little works of art knock at my window wanting to come in jealous of the warmth inside my room. but they don't know it is cold inside my heart I remember when long ago I had love and smiles and faith and the noises of the storm brought us closer, brought me home to a place of peace and warmth where the doubts were scarce and none. I am jealous of who I was then..... wish I could go back to that time Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I smile

I ts raining now... the rain that Nature seems sometimes to gift the South in lieu of snow. I walk wrapped in the water's surprisingly warm, shimmering embrace, The clouds above me are like flowing satin pillows of gray and fading purple and tall trees look on, their rough bark mellowed by a curtain of mist. The deep, still green grass is highlighted with drops of crystal, every blade swaying with a life of it's own, yet remaining one, a silent symphony of hypnotic movement. I walk in this... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to all

Long ago I found my star, a golden, beautiful shinning star. It shines alone in the moonless night and guides my soul through winding paths, through the many turns I have to make and all the scary places I must pass while tittering on the edges so sharp of abysms deep and dark; It keeps me safe. It is my star. that shines to the left or the right weaving through all the things that cannot be. To avoid the past I twist and turn in its light, while my future calls to me from distant shores I... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Green Christmas

December was almost gone... the holidays were here, but looking all around all I saw was green, for down where I live, winter is just a cool breeze. And I thought to my self as I held your hand and we walked, it does not feel like Christmas... there is no nip in the air, there are no white landscapes sprinkled with gold and red, You looked so sad so your hand a little tighter I held. As we walked slowly down its shore it stroke me how calmed the ocean seemed... there was no Christmas spirit... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

between a slanted ceiling and four walls

Long... long ago, after a cold but colorful Fall, I dreamed the wildest dreams inside a little attic room at the end of a long unfurnished hall. In it, a large bay window overlooked the beach below, a beach that very few sunny days saw but which knew the sting of cold winds like the ones that many years before I had come to know, while laying face down in that litle room's floor with my feet perched against its door. That old door that cricked and stuck, when closed, allowed me to create between... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Listen to the wind

Listen to the wind now that the magic of the moonlight is on and the journey of the stars is in plain view. Listen to the wind and watch how it caresses the sea just so, making the water tremble as it awaits its kiss, creating sweet waves deep within it that in turn rush to touch the white sandy shores, leaving there as a parting gift the torn weeds that the tide had brought the night before. Listen to that wind while it whispers to the tall palm trees that humbly bend to salute him with... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

nothing has changed

T he night dreams it is blue and the stars seem to group together as if they were discussing the beauty of a moon that shines round and magnificent, queen of the sky, bathing everything below her in silvery light, and I don't dare move, afraid of upsetting the perfect world before me. I am alone in the dark. Time does not exist Nothing is real in this night that shouldn't be Only I am here, only me and this dream my heart beating slowly...stuburnly refuseing to believe that everything is the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I felt His love

It was dark and cold and though all day the snow had come and gone, fallen and melted, the dark clouds that menacingly lurked never seemed to empty A biting wind blew making the cold more present and the woods bright with snow stood out from the dark shinning under the half moon's silver light that seemed in the starless sky so out of place. In the distance a wolf cried its sad song calling for the comfort of a mate and as I walked in the dusk of the blue evening among trees that finally had... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 17, 2010

You were there...

As I watched the elongating shadows of the afternoon and listened to the small bird that sang sweetly in the snow covered maple before it flew, you were there... always you, coloring time, touching my heart You were there as the sunset ushered in the night, and I felt you touch me when the wind brushed the oak tree making it tremble with the coolness of its kiss. You were there as I wished for tomorrow... looking at that first bright star and when I prayed for light to again illuminate my dark.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I wish

I look outside and see the soft light of a setting sun bathing the naked trees in my backyard... A surreal sight, to look outside and find everything painted in mauve light, as if the fingers of the new born night had reached out from the other side to caress and ease the world into the dark. I wish there was some special light that would envelope my aching heart and ease it into its goodnight. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sometimes the sun rises in streaks of pink that reach across the darkness like fingers of light painting a beauty, delicate and unique sweet and soft like a Japanese print Others, its light appears angry and intense like a force emanating from hell, its brightness from behind the trees projecting and the purpura rays making the sky so red it looks like the forest is burning. and still, other times, like today the sun just slips out from his home in the dark with a message of love in his rays and... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Heavens gate

There is a rock in the garden now covered with snow, a rock that stands proudly against all the winds at it throw. Its dark surface contrasting with the white reflects like a mirror the lights of the night. In that reflection one can see the mysterious door that only in dreams can be reached, the mystical door which exists among the stars way up high, always closed. Only when the hour is late and one is searching for what things mean, only then it opens and lets some through, to find out the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter ghosts,,,

W hite winter skies, drained of blues, Blank, but not empty, like canvases erased. Ghosts of past clouds run within them, stirred by cold, misty humid winds. My ghosts are also disturbed by the empty sight of nothingness, ghosts of ideas and feelings that once were, essences that remained behind when I thought I had forgotten, images of those I have loved and lost... they all come back to haunt me, when I stare at the sky, on white, blank, winter days. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I close my eyes Alone in the dark time does not exist Nothing is real in this magical ambiance that is, but shouldn't be Only I am here, only me and this dream and my heart beating slowly... refuses to believe that everything is so perfect the moon, the stars, the snow covered trees A sweet fragrant breeze seems to touch all of me and as it does I know there is nothing to fear so I let go of my heart and the melody that in the silence I hear softly drenches my soul until I am nothing and I am... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What a gift!

A big, magnificent almost round moon shinning bright and conveying her message through clouds of gray She seems to be almost full, like my dreams, which whether might or day during good or hard times seem to always softly scream the wishes of this silly soul of mine. but always feel as if they are missing a little but important part which if found would complete my heart so... here I wait and lay on a bed of rocks and stars marveling at how a mere shadow can rule over the lunar glow and make it... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It was all too brief

It almost did not last long enough to love you and to lose you this love that should have lasted until the end of time, this love that I did not really own when it was mine but that now that its gone belongs only to me. It was so brief our time in the sun and all too soon the shadows got the best of us, but I will always remember you and me listening to the seductive music of the sea... closing our eyes on a foggy afternoon and together learning to dream until the tired stars escorting the moon... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nothing could possibly make us forget the color of those eyes we last saw with tears wet even if perhaps we can't recall the exact date when we left them, crying with regret, we knew then... we would never forget, that the imprint of that touch... of those lucious lips would always be there inside out being to be recalled at a moments time whenever we needed a lift, a charge of mind Some say that forever remembering what once was does not happen, that everything sooner or later is forgotten and... Sign in to see full entry.

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