Martas poems

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Friday, October 15, 2010

No one will ever know...

No one would ever know the things I have dreamed watching the tree in my garden undress and await, prisoner of her fate the inevitable cold touch of the unfeeling snow. How could anyone guess what only I know, for I, as that tree, have felt the hopelessness of an empty world where everything its out of reach... the mountains far away hiding the sun, the waves... softly calling from the beach I am aware of the deafening silence when everyone leaves and one is attached to where one is, The birds... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

As if there were no yesterdays, no tomorrows, no time.

I remember dawn lighting up the glass of the window that faced our big bed and soft colors drawing on the wall the magic we had felt the night before There was a trail of kisses through the sand to the shore where filled with passion we had laid and I felt your hand still holding mine as if we were connected... as if we were one as if there were no yesterdays, no tomorrows, no time Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If I could

if I could... I would take the colors of the sunset and draw in the sky a brand new world tailored to you and to your needs, where cat's claws stayed always curled and your thoughts would all be sweet. There would be no nightmares in your world no long weeks of work, no fatigue, absolutely no suffering, for pain would not exist, Hunger would not be a word because no one would know what it meant. Sickness, totally non existent, children would run, laugh and play and bad memories would not be... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I remember...

I remember a far away little village on a rainy cold night and the windows on a train shinning bright in the night I remember waving goodbye sitting on the depot, alone, in the dark, thinking sad thoughts...regretting it all and feeling useless with my unwanted love, abandoned like a forgotten suitcase left by the tracks. I remember thinking that the one who was leaving on that train into time was taking something precious of mine but I can't recall who, why or what... I just remember a big sign... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Getting back in touch with my soul.

I look around and see so many I love so many I would give my life for I should feel happy, content, but deep down I feel I need to search more, try to go back to the way it was before, search deep inside my soul till I find a way back to me. I start my trip as those who feel the need to go back to the place where they once bled where they once wept and I know I must do this I must find what I seek eventhough I don't know what that is and I know that just as a drift wood inexorably ends up at a... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

seeking the other half of my soul

I open my window this crisp October morning and it feels more like Winter than Fall, I am far from the ocean shore but the breeze brings me scents of home and the cold in the air cuts through my thoughts like a knife. The sea of grass outside undulates to a northern wind like an ocean teaming with life, forming green waves that reach as far as I can see and take with them my hopes and my dreams, fueling my imagination with a fire full of magic and thrill Those living waves of green... could they... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Come, my friend...

C ome, give me your hand. I know to cry alone is sometimes hard and not too many understand the deep agony of loosing one's heart. Come and we'll just by the ocean stand, with our eyes in the clouds and our feet in the sand, thinking of soft colored skies and far away bells that toll for the end of heaven and hell and we will feel sorry for the men that try to satiate their thirst in empty wells. Come and sit with me under the sleepy stars that destiny foretell and watch them fade away. We will... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Believe in your fate

Try to forget by keeping bussy and looking at others danse through their lives. Don't think about the words that hurt or they will slowly poison your heart, throw them away as you would throw out trash, or stick them in the far corner of your mind where things you do not want to face you stash and keep them there until you are strong enough but right now free your heart of sadness and live again Look at the sky so bright today, it has no regrets though yesterday its dark clouds sadly wept from... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I give in to the night

I close my eyes Alone in the dark time does not exist Nothing is real in this magical ambiance that is, but shouldn't be Only I am here, only me and this dream and my heart beating slowly... refuses to believe that everything is so perfect the moon, the stars, the snow covered trees A sweet fragrant breeze seems to touch all of me and as it does I know there is nothing to fear so I let go of my heart and the melody that in the silence I hear softly drenches my soul until I am nothing and I am... Sign in to see full entry.

Day dreaming at dawn

...With eyes closed I see your lips and kiss them sweetly they taste like sugar, soft and inviting and ignoring the storm that looms in the distance...I fly... fly into the blue and pink, cotton-cloud spotted sky, allowing my heart to wonder away from the rain and thunder, and there I dwell, contemplating the colors with which the sun greets this day, knowing it is all a dream but still wanting to stay.... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Some say...

Some say that our destiny is writhen in the stars and our lives are impacted by the way they align They say that from a chart of the sky when we are born those who know the ancient ways can foretell if there will be thorns in the garden in which life will someday open our rose There are trillions of stars adorning the moonless sky tonight and as I look up at them... just as many questions occur to me, things that I wonder if they know... if they see but standing there under that canopy of... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

One of many...part of all.

I know a place down the shore where a river dies and becomes the sea, a place where life seems to stop time from which I can see the wondrous sight of that mystical line where sky begins and dreams end, where mystery fills empty hearts with the unsettled wings of wants. It is in that place, where my soul finds the reasons it forgot it had for wishing for what it doesn't have and where I feel free to fly up high between blue waters and clouds of peach towards that place no one except in dreams,... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 1, 2010

When morning comes

I n the morning, when brightness comes to dissipate the ghosts that haunted our sleepless night, the softness of the sun's first light caresses our mind freeing us from the place in which we were forced to dwell, all night trying desperately to escape, the slow, consuming flames of our thinking hell. In that morning we thought would never come we lay in bed, away from crowds and faceless names, reluctantly, slowly letting go of that sweet hope, that all night long kept our soul afloat in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

As naturally as the wind blows

There is no preparation for Love, no manual to read... no set road to follow It just happens, and when it does, we love simply because we do, no reasons needed, no explanations necessary and there is magic in the indefinable miracle that is love, Just as the flower which comes out of its seed and the rain that falls from its cloud are... Love Is As the wind that when blowing does not know that its blowing but yet it blows... and its the windi we feel love...even if we do not yet know we are... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There must be God

M aking my way through the canyon going towards the bay on a narrow twisted road. tall mountains on either side sprinkled with yellow wild flowers that take my breath away. Small patches of green cover the rocks here and there, contrasting with the tones of red of desert roses everywhere. No big trees to obscure the view of a sky unbelievably blue, adorned with all kinds of colors by a sun bidding good night, while submerging in the bay waters and making them shine so bright. The beauty of it... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 27, 2010

On the sand///

O n the sand is where I like to stand, watching the sun dip below the worn bridges and graying boat docks, past the green marsh reeds that sway back and forth like a pendulum of nature, under the passionate touch of a whipping wind. The pinks, oranges and yellows born from the sun overwhelm my mind as they dance on the gray stage of this autumn sky like eternal lovers waltzing through time. I feel the touch on my face. of the salty onshore breeze hastening its pace, shaking my soul, reminding me... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

He was Palestinian... she was a Jew.

He was Palestinian... she was a Jew They met by a fence one day. He looked into her light blue eyes eyes as such he had never seen and he knew from then on with her he would dream She looked into his... shinny and dark, and her heart went crazy beating so loud she was sure he could the thumping hear, and she felt with a strange feeling filled almost as if she could drown into the passion she read into those eyes... so brown and she was afraid... and he felt it "Why don't you trust me?", he said... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 24, 2010

In the forest...

The sweet dark warmth of a forest at night with its many noises and its utter calm... If you lay on the floor and close your eyes you can feel the tremor of thousands of hearts near and far, all around, mixed in with the scents that the sun and the rain left behind. Laying there on the floor you hear strange sounds soft whispers and loud screams. things touch you and you lay very still for though you don't want to stay there, you know you will and there among the tall mighty trees where... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


A gain, all roads seem to take me towards sunrise, but there are no smiles left in me for new born suns and my hands try to reach for something new while the deep roots of the undressing trees thirsty for dew try to forget the sadness of growing in the shadows of the clouds that make this autumn sky so dark. Again, that sun that colored the sky before has dimmed and around the soon to be naked trees, plays the wind, starting to paint with earthy colors everything that before was green and... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On love

A song can not celebrate love, for a song is prisoner to its own form and what moves within us when we love is bigger than the heart, and flows endlessly from nowhere to all places small. Love is greater, more sublime than us, yet, being love, it loses nothing of itself in the slight confines of our hearts, of our mind. When we find it... this love I speak of, we can retire to the rapture of its miracle, revel in the harmless all consuming, all giving heat of its passion; We can reach that... Sign in to see full entry.

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