Martas poems for Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Remember? sitting by the Seine holding hands staring into each other's eyes, Life was so simple then just you and I and the promise that was. You painting...softly tracing the colors as if you were creating them, and I, writing, inspired by the beauty of Paris Why did we ever leave that room on top of the stairs where we were so happy, so content. we could have stayed there on our diet of love, bread cheese and wine Remember? how you used to wake me with a kiss in that room that got so cold... Sign in to see full entry.

Love ...

T o try to explain love to someone that has not been in love is like trying to explain to a blind man what the sky looks like full of stars or how the many colors of a rainbow, so different, look so beautiful all together in their giant arch Only if you have been in love can you understand someone that is in love, for then you remember the incessant excitement making your blood rush and the primal need to always be near that one person that is more important to you than you are to yourself.... Sign in to see full entry.

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