I am here and I am not silent: Please pass the Compazine

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Friday, May 30, 2003

Please pass the Compazine

I feel duty bound to apologize for taking so long to write in this blog, but this has to be said. Just this evening - a few minutes ago, as a matter of fact, I was on my ex's site. Actually, he has several - three on Geocities alone - and I was on one of the Geocities sites. Now, I've posted his... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 7:43 PM Comments (0) (link)

May 2003
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About this Blog
The name of the post is derived from a Francis Schaeffer book, and intended to rebut something I'd seen on the Internet. The blog itself is about what I've learned about relationships from the ones I've had, and the ones I've observed. It will not be pleasant to read, and might wander off-topic occasionally, but is intended to be a long-term blog reading like a public journal.

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