Random thoughts and actions

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Saturday, June 7, 2003

Why bother blogging

So here is what I have noticed about the new front page. It effectively eliminates the competition. Yes there are still blogs showing up on the front page here and there but it seems with the new page people are lazy and are not bothering to really look to see what is out there or who is writing. In... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Spinning around

and around and around and around. That is how life is for me lately. Things go bad - then they start to go good and I think I'm finally getting on my feet and then the go bad again. Things are horribly wrong yet but not quite going how I wanted them to. I am trying to be positive and sometimes I am... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 2, 2003


Yep we have em here. My landlord told me a few days ago that her husband had seen a mouse in the basement again. Every few months - either when the weather is really cold or really hot or really wet - we end up with most of the wildlife in the house instead of outside. It probably is due to the fact... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 1, 2003


As I woke up this morning I thought about stretching. It's it an amazing thing when you think about it. Sometimes you just have to stretch and you're not quite sure why. Yes there is stretching before you work out but what about stretching before you can really be awake. Sometimes you sit at your... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 30, 2003

Find Nemo ...Right Here!

I just got home from seeing the movie Finding Nemo. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. I have been counting the days till the movie was coming out. I work at Disney so obviously I have been reading and learning everything about the movie. I watch clips all day at work. The best character by far was... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Just me and my wine

Well it would be if I had some wine with me. Hate it when plans fall through. I just got home to blog. I have to be at work in 8 hours so if I go to sleep at this exact moment..I should get about..oh...lets say 6 hours of sleep. Where am I now? Definitely not in bed. UGH. I cannot believe that my... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Controversy Right Here!!!!

OMG..I cannot believe the controversy on BN lately. It's everwhere....so much to comment on.. actually..not really..I just figured I would try the squeaky wheel approach once...see what happens. That and I honestly had nothing to say today..am tired..have a headache and my landlords were up fighting... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Breathe In ...Breathe Out....

If I ask how old people here are..how many people will hold up fingers and say "this many!"? I blog....for the same reason I always have..to do a stream of consciousness..to get myself in the habit of writing..to put my thoughts and comments out for the world to read....I do it because it makes me... Sign in to see full entry.

clicking circles? ...

Hmm... so there might actually be circles of clicking going on. Well if there is then I'm a little disappointed I guess. I mean I have never been asked to join one so that kinda makes me feel like a loser who wasn't invited. On second thought I'm not dead last in any rankings so that means I might... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 26, 2003

I'm listening!

Okay so I am listening and following the advice and actions of others today. Desertsong has taken the big leap and posted the first bit of her book online. If you haven't read it yet you really must - just find elfsong - it's already in the top ranks. Also if you read it - leave her a comment cause... Sign in to see full entry.

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