Random thoughts and actions

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Monday, July 21, 2003

Blog or else

Its pretty much the ultimatum I gave myself. I came her and signed up on blogging network for a reason. To write more than I had been. It's been hard because I like things to follow a logical pattern and my ideas are not nearly as logical. I hvae been working on it and have allowed myself to jump... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

It's all quiet ....

except for the ticking of my keyboard keys...on and all the creaking of the boards upstairs. It's constantly noisy here at my place because I live in someone's basement. I hear them walking, I hear them talking, I always hear them arguing. They never seem to sleep so I hear them when I go to sleep... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Times are changing

I have noticed that I have changed a lot since I first posted on blogging network. Not sure if changed for the better or not - just that I have changed. I still have the same issues in my life but I am trying to look at them in different ways. I am trying to motivate myself a little more. One of my... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

What is going through my head lately

Is that life is short....I actually wrote in my regular journal last night about this thought. I have realized more and more that life is short and nothing is certain. I have watched over the past few days..how people are struggling with death and pending death and it has made me realize that I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Introducing friends

Well...Desertsongs reply to my last post - brings up the next subject in the whole vegas trip. Ya see, Gary and Desert are two of my best friends. My boyfriend has never met them. I talked to him today and he wants to go to vegas with me. I'm thrilled that he wants to go and will get to meet them... Sign in to see full entry.

Missing Friends

I was all happy last night because I talked to my friend Gary on the phone. We were just catching up on what has been going on in the past few months since we saw each other. The drummer quit from his band, He still thinks he sucks at playing guitar, he saw a great fusion band the other night. That... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

No Can Do

well, I have thought about it and I really want to take that job but I just can't. I mean they called me yesterday and really wanted me..told me I could be promoted in a few months if I prove myself...they really really want me...all of that..but the promotion to management still means only $10 an... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Now what do I do???

So I had the job interview and think it went well..but realistically it will be a $10000 pay cut. Now I was surviving on what I make right now..comfortable at least...but the paycut would put me to to limit of surviving. Then again it does have the bonus of a lot less stress..It would be for a... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 7, 2003

New Job Search

Okay so I have made it well known that I hate my current job. I hate retail in fact. It's not the selling that is horrible because if I have a product I believe in..I can sell it. It's the horrible people who dwell in malls and other retail areas. They drive me insane. People are really horrible.... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 6, 2003

The whole mood thing ...

I've been thinking about it....my twin has not been having a good mood lately..and neither have I. We are different though..as she seems to be even more down in the dumps than I have been. Though I tend to stay int he dumps longer. What I've figured out today is...that she has kids..I do'nt. That... Sign in to see full entry.

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