Thoughts on being Jewish

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Am I Going to Heaven or Hell?

I woke up to this question in my email spam box. It was a come-on, sent by to farm for those vulnerable to sales pitches. There was, indeed, a 12 question multiple choice quiz, but of course in order to be scored it redirected me to all kinds of companies trying to sell me something. No problem; I provided a fake name and address. Score one point for Hell, I guess. The quesitons all had to do with moral dilemmas; ie, you find a bag of money in the trash, what would you do? Or, your... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Steve Cohen and the Jews Hate Jesus

This was the crux of Nikki Tinker's Congressional primary campaign against incumbent Democrat Steve Cohen in Memphis that was decided last week. As Bob Herbert opined this past Sat. in the New York Times, "Ms. Tinker was a candidate with nothing substantive to offer. The raison d'etre of her campaign was that she was an African American running in a district in which the majority of the voters were also African American." Though Ms. Tinker did not write or distribute the offending flier, with... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jean Lafitte, the Most Famous Jewish Pirate

This piece about Jewish Pirates was written by a former professor from Temple University, Professor Bernard Glick: Many of the pirates of the Caribbean were Sephardim Jews who turned to piracy to get revenge on the Spanish Catholics who expelled them from Spain in 1492, murdered their families and stole their property. Six of Barbarossas chief officers were Jewish! This article sheds light on one of the most famous Jewish Pirates: Jean Lafitte the Jewish Pirate. One of the things I do since I... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

In the Details

I was racketing around in an old red Datsun, its front end sounding like a death rattle, when suddenly, the noise stopped. Along with the engine. Returning home from downtown Houston, from my grueling job as a sales assistant for a tyrannical female stockbroker, it was one of those oppressively hot afternoons I’d never gotten used to as a transplanted New Yorker. Cars honked aggressively behind me as I tried to think in the unbearable heat. I had stalled out on a main thoroughfare, one that... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hate-Mongers In Office

“Wealthy AIPAC members control many media outlets. The media in the US perpetuates an antiquated s view of Israel as a small-struggling democracy surrounded by powerful Arab nations. Americans are too ignorant and lazy to spend the time to learn the truth. Israel, since the Second Intifada which began eight years ago, has been the aggressor. Israel is the most powerful force in the Middle East with enough nuclear weaponry to blow up Iran and all its neighbors 20 times over.” - Lee Whitnum The... Sign in to see full entry.

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