Old News (The Unbearable Lightness Of Blogging)

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Most Bizarre and Unexpected Twist (in The Case of the Missing Mailman)

Soooo, we drive around the area (in Manon's SUV), searching for any sign of the missing mailman. After coming up empty for several minutes, I suddenly spot something, which I suspect could be significant. It's the mail truck parked by the side of the road! ME: Stop the car! Stop the car! MANON:... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The (Horrifying) Case of the Missing Mailman

Soooo, around 4:30 today, my best friends (Manon + Noelle) and I come back from the beach. On the way into my house, I stop to check the mail. But the mailbox is eerily empty. No bills. No junk mail. No "Have You Seen Me?" cards. No nothing! ME: That's odd. MANON: What is? ME: The mailman hasn't... Sign in to see full entry.

Family Photos

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are all having wonderful weekends thus far. The first twelve minutes of mine have been fantastically spectacular! Anyways, I'm about to head out to the beach. But I figured before I left, I would re-upload the pictures of my beautiful children for all to enjoy.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Frightening Proposition

Soooo, my new neighbors have invited us over for dinner on Saturday. But I don't think we should go... because it's obviously a trap. My mother says I'm "being paranoid". Though, I really don't understand what makes her say that. So, then I ask her to " define paranoid"... which she does. And, now,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

The Games People Play

Soooo, my mother, my brother's girlfriend (Michelle), my best friend (Manon) and myself are playing Clue because (a) the respective men in our lives were otherwise occupied, and (b) we couldn't find the Monopoly. (I had suggested Boggle, instead, but was shouted down.) Now, before the board is even... Sign in to see full entry.

The Sleepblogger (or "The Creepy Thing That Happened To Me Last Night")

Soooo, around 10:30 last night, I start to feel a little tired. Therefore, I figure I'll just take a quick nap (to "recharge my batteries") before resuming my nightly activities a couple hours later. Now, I should mention a peculiar ability I have. You see, if I lie on my back, I can rest my eyes... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 7, 2006

My Grandfather, The War Hero

I've always been quite proud of the fact that my grandfather was a great war hero. I can't remember which war, though. I could never keep track, since it changed so often. Anyways, sometimes Grandpa would show up at the house, when my parents were out, and take my brothers and me to a "secluded... Sign in to see full entry.

Mennonite Mayhem at the Zoo (or "Hot Girl-on-Amish-Girl Action!")

Soooo, anyways, I'm coming out of the Reptile House at the Zoo, right? And I cross paths with these three Amish girls. Nothing too unusual about that. You actually see the Amish at the zoo all the time (for some reason). But then, one of the girls, who I presume to be the leader of the group... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

The Biggest Bat I've Ever Seen

Soooo, I spent the night at Manon's house, if there was any concern over my whereabouts. Anyways, around 3 in the morning, Manon, Noelle, and myself are coming back from a club. We start to head up the walkway to Manon's house... when, all of a sudden, a gigantic bat swoops down right in front of... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 4, 2006

Roger (Ebert) & Me

As many of you may know, legendary film critic Roger Ebert is seriously ill. Therefore, I figured this might be a good time to go ahead and memorialize him: Now, I have been a fan of Mr. Ebert's forever (I've been watching his TV show since I was ten). When his partner Gene Siskel died in 1999, I... Sign in to see full entry.

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